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Namjoon-41 weeks 4 days pregnant

To say Namjoon was tired of being pregnant was an understatement, his whole body ached and his stomach was massive, almost as big as Yoongi's when the boy had triplets, and he could hardly do anything by himself, although it didn't stop him from working, as much as the boys would like him to say home, he would still go to the studio with Hoseok and Yoongi, the boys making sure he had everything he needed, they even had Namjoon hospital bag in the back of their car constantly and he also had an appointment in 3 days to get induced.

Namjoon woke up and after a couple tries, he finally got out of bed, he went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and hair before he went downstairs and he could see all the boys getting ready.

"Are we going somewhere?" He asked and they all looked over too him.

"We have an interview, Bang said you don't have to come, Yoongi will stay here with you" Jin said and Namjoon looked at them with a frown.

"I'm going" Namjoon said and all their eyes widened, Namjoon was so pregnant they couldn't help but worry about him, even if it pissed off the boy at time.

"Joon, please go get back in bed, we will only be 2 hours" Jungkook said and Namjoon shook his head again, he wanted to go, and nothing was going to change his mind.

"I'll go help him" Jin said with a sigh as he walked upstairs, walking into the bedroom to see the leader struggling to get socks on.

"Namjoon, let me help" Jin said as he walked over to the boy, even though he was giving him a pissed off look.

"No I can do it" Namjoon said, still struggling, tears of frustration filling his eyes.

"Joon please" Jin said as Namjoon looked at him, he looked so upset.

"You were just going to leave me here because you think I can't handle going outside while I'm like this!, I'm not fragile Jin!!, I want to keep working until I physically can't! Why can none of you understand that! You all piss me off so much" Namjoon ranted, as Jin just looked at him shocked.

"Did you just shout at me?" Jin asked quietly and Namjoon's eyes widened before tears began falling quickly down his face.

Jin knew the boys emotions were everywhere, but it didn't make it hurt any less.

"I'll get Jimin to help you" Jin said as he stood up and walked out of the room, leaving the pregnant boy alone for about a minute until Jimin walked in.

Jimin tried to comfort the boy as he helped him get his clothes on.

"Joon calm down, it isn't good for the baby" Jimin said and Namjoon nodded his head as he sniffled, it didn't help that his stomach hurt so much.

"We are leaving in 5 minutes" they heard Taehyung shout from downstairs just as Jimin was helping Namjoon put on his t-shirt.

"Jimin, I didn't mean to shout at Jin" Namjoon said quietly and Jimin nodded his head.

"I'm so stressed, and in pain that I don't wanna be left alone, I don't wanna be here while you all work" Namjoon said and Jimin nodded again.

"I understand Namjoon, but Jin is still hurt, you need to apologize, and I'm sorry too, I really didn't want to leave you here but it is probably best, we just don't want anything to happen to you" Jimin said and Namjoon nodded.

They all left the house and Hoseok was driving, with Yoongi in the passenger seat as Jimin Namjoon and Jin sat behind them and Jungkook and Taehyung were in the back.

Namjoon apologized to Jin and the boy just nodded his head, Namjoon leaned his head on Jin's shoulder but the boy didn't do anything back like he normally would, he would normally move his hands through his hair or rub his back, but he didn't do anything, he just looked out of the window with a blank expression on his face.

"Please just say something hyung" Namjoon said quietly, and Jin looked as him softly.

"I'm sorry Namjoon, but I'm hurt" Jin said and Namjoon nodded his head he sat up and leaned over to Jimin, the boy moving his hand through his hair as he held his tears back.

They arrived at their interview after about half an hour, Jimin helping Namjoon out of the car as supporting the boy around his waist as they walked to the building.

After they got their hair and makeup done they sat on the nice sofa and waited for the interviewer, Namjoon's stomach hurt a little bit but the boy ignored it as he lay against Jungkook's shoulder.

About 5 minutes into the interview, the guy asked, "how do you make a relationship like this work?" And Namjoon began answering.

"It just became so natural for the others to be there, we couldn't see ourselves with anyone else and i-" Namjoon cut his own words off, "can you cut the cameras for a second" he asked quietly and the guy nodded his head as he motioned for the camera to get switched off.

As soon as Namjoon saw the light on the camera go off, he gripped his stomach tightly and breathed deeply as the boys looked at him worried.

"Joon, are you okay?" Jin asked as he placed a hand on the boys thigh and Namjoon nodded his head.

"I'm fine, I just need a minute" Namjoon said, breathing deeply and his eyes scrunched closed as the interviewer looked over awkwardly.

After about a minute had passed Namjoon sat up straight before smiling, "we can continue now if you want" he said and the boys looked at him worried.

The interviewer nodded his head as he continued the interview.

After about half an hour, the interview was finished and he had 2 more contractions in that time, and the boys were constantly checking on him.

"I'm gonna text my mom and see if they can all watch the kids for a bit longer" Jimin said and they all nodded their head's as they were trying their best to get ready to go to the hospital.

"Guys it's not that bad, I'm fine" Namjoon said as the members were calling to arrange everything.

Jin sat with him, running his hands through the boys hair, the younger boy leaning into the touch as Jungkook felt his belly.

"In sorry hyung" Namjoon said.

"I know baby, it's okay, just focus on yourself at the moment" Jin said and Namjoon nodded his head and hummed as the boys began grabbing all their belongings.

"Namjoon, how far along do you think you are?" Jimin asked and Namjoon shrugged his shoulders.

"Can't Jin check?" Namjoon asked and Jin nodded his head.

"Let's go to a bathroom quickly" Jin said and Namjoon nodded with Jimin following.

Jin quickly checked to see how dilated Namjoon was.

"Joon your about about 1 to 2cm dilated at the moment" Jin said and Namjoon nodded his head.

"Can we go home for a little bit then, I really want a nap in bed before going to hospital" Namjoon asked and Jin slowly nodded his head.

Namjoon only had one contraction on the way home and it wasn't too bad, he was just tired and he couldn't wait to sleep.

Once they all arrived home, they pushed two of the double beds together so they could all sleep in the same room while they had the chance, Namjoon was pretty much asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow and the tired boys were asleep within 10 minutes.

This scene is going to be in two parts

I think I will update next on the 25th if the chapter is ready

Love you all and thank you for reading


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