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After their break had finished they began releasing new music which their fans were excited about.

Over the break the boys went to visit family's during the break except Hoseok's and they were turned away from Taehyung's home, Taehyung's eye was bruised for weeks after that.

It was the twins first birthday and everyone was excited including Hoseok family and mothers who were coming down to celebrate.

Hoseok hasn't seen his family in over a year and he was really excited to finally show his children off to their aunty and grand parents.

It was 3am and Hoseok woke up without Jimin sleeping beside him which confused the rapper, Hoseok got out of bed and put on some pyjamas before walking though the cold house, All the lights were off apart from the one in the nursery so Hoseok quietly opened the door to so Jimin sat in the rocking chair that was in the room but he had moved it to the side of the twins crib.

"Jimin, Baby what are you doing?" Hoseok asked his voice soft and quiet not wanting to wake up any of the babies that still slept in the cribs.

"Look how cute they are Hobi, my babies are growing up so quickly" Jimin said before humming and pointing towards the twins and Hoseok walked up to Jimin and wrapped his arm around Jimin's shoulder as he kissed the youngers cheek before Jimin spoke again "I want another baby" Jimin said and Hoseok smiled.

"How about we bring the twins into our bed for tonight?" Hoseok suggested and Jimin smiled, they don't move around much when they are sleeping so the babies would be safe in their bed for one night.

Jimin slowly scooped Ji-Su out of her crib before Hoseok done the same for Ji-Ho, both the babies whined a bit before quieting down and snuggling into their parents shoulder as they continued sucking their pacifiers.

Both the boys quietly exited the nursery as they turned the light off and closed the door before walking into their bedroom and placing the twins in the middle of the bed before climbing in either side before they said goodnight before falling asleep.


Jimin woke up around 8am as his eyes slowly flickered open as the sunlight peeked though the curtains hitting him in the face, he sat up as he stretched his arms above his head before looking over at Hoseok and immediately cooing at the adorable scene infront of him.

Ji-Su lay on Hoseok's chest with her thumb in her mouth as Hoseok held her in place not wanting her to fall off while he was still sleeping and Ji-Ho was lay on the pillow above Hoseok's head curled up with his pacifier in his mouth.

Jimin quickly took his phone off charge as he took a photo and put it on twitter for their fans to see, as he opened the Twitter app Ji-Su and Ji-Ho were already trending on Twitter like any of their fans would do if it was any one the members birthdays.

Jimin uploaded the photo and fans immediately went crazy at how adorable the photo was a lot of them commenting Happy birthdays and the tweet soon became one of their most liked and retweeted photo.

After half an hour Hoseok woke up beside Jimin who was on his phone going though social media, The second Jimin realized that Hoseok was awake the younger boy leaned down kissing Hoseok's lips who kissed back immediately, the kiss only lasted a couple seconds before they separated.

"We should get up" Jimin said and Hoseok nodded his head as he slowly lifted Ji-Su of his chest before placing her back onto the bed as he also put Ji-Ho down so he wouldn't roll off the pillow and hurt himself and before they left the room Hoseok tucked them in the covers.

They left the room quietly not wanting to wake the twins up as they walked into the kitchen to be greeted by Jin who was cooking pancakes for everyone for breakfast as he added different toppings to the members preference and he make smaller pancakes for the kids since they had found out a couple weeks ago that the babies love pancake and waffles.

And Namjoon sat at the table talking to Jin, he wanted to help but Namjoon wasn't allowed in the kitchen after almost burning the house down from cooking ramen and Hoseok went and joined Namjoon at the table as Jimin went to help Jin cooking.

"Where are the birthday girl and boy?" Jin asked and Jimin smiled before replying.

"They slept in mine and Hobi's room last night and I got the cutest picture this morning" Jimin said as he got his phone out showing the older member the picture them both immediately cooing over the photo making Namjoon and Hoseok stare at then weirdly.

All the members began coming into the living room as Jin was finishing the final touches on their pancakes before Jin and Jimin handed them out to the members as they ate quietly, after 5 minuets the boy were finished and they stood up to go and wake the children up so they could eat the food Jin and Jimin made for them.

After an hour everyone was dressed and ready for their day of celebrating the twins birthday.

Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook and Yoongi took the kids to the park as Jin, Jimin and Taehyung got balloons and a cake ready for the part that was happening about 2pm.

People began to arrive around 1:30pm, Jimin's mother being first as she walked in and hugged her son tightly as she smiled not wanting to wait for her first grandchildrens birthday party.

After two hours the party was almost over because of how tired the twins were getting as they got ready for their nap, the only thing they had left to do was blow out the birthday candles.

Jimin got the cake from the kitchen quickly adding candles to it before he got ready to walk out, Jimin began singing happy birthday and the other quickly joined as Jimin brought the cake close to the twins who looked confused.

Jimin made a face as if he was going to blow out the candle and the twins quickly followed but instead of blowing the candles they blew raspberries making spit go over the cake.

The adults chuckled fondly as the twins tried again but it only resulted in the same thing happening, Jimin quickly blew out the candles when the babies weren't focused on him because it just began getting gross.



sorry for the slow updates I haven't had a lot of inspirations for this chapter and I dont know how to write birthday scenes so this will probably be the last birthday scene I ever write

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