63 (M)

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Yoongi-23 weeks
Namjoon-23 weeks
Jungkook-23 weeks

Bottom Namjoon
Yoongi woke up first, walking downstairs and grabbing himself a cup of coffee, he hadn't had a cup in over 3 months and he just needed a small amount to get him through the day.

He made it perfect, it was the best cup he had ever made as he took the first sip his mind went blank as he appreciated it.

He was just about to take another sip when he heard someone behind him.

"Yoongi, you're not meant to drink coffee" he heard Hoseok's voice behind him.

Now Yoongi knew that it wasn't good but stopping so suddenly had made him feel terrible, it made him feel sick and get headaches so much, he was pregnant and emotional so just hearing those words made him upset as he put his coffee down and tears fell down his face.

"Woah woah baby calm down" Hoseok said as he hugged the older boy from behind who began full on crying.

"Yoongi it's okay, I was just reminding you, finish your cup and then come cuddle with me on the sofa" Yoongi continued crying and Hoseok held him until his calmed down, "I'm sorry, I forgot you're so emotional" Hoseok chuckled lightly.

"I-I'm not emotional" Yoongi whimpered out, Hoseok kept a tight hold on the boy, before quickly scooping him up and walking him over to the sofa and placing him down on it before quickly going to get Yoongi's cup of coffee, Handing it to the boy who snuggled into his side and drank it.

The boys snuggled together, loving each others company and the calmness around them, Yoongi fell asleep after 10 minutes, his body laying across Hoseok's lap who played with his hair while his other hand rested on the boys swollen stomach, he had a really cute bump, Hoseok lifted up Yoongi's top a little bit and felt the boys bare skin, while he was watching the TV.

Hoseok continued feeling the boys stomach, and when his hand felt near the top he felt a small pressure against his hand making him flinch slightly before his eyes widened a bit.

He moved his hand again and felt the same making him smile brightly.

"Hobii, stop making her kick, it hurts" Yoongi whined as he swatted at Hoseok hand who smiled.

"But I like feeling your stomach" Hoseok said making Yoongi whine again.

There was a loud crying coming from upstairs and Hoseok and Yoongi heard the nursery door open before Taehyung walk downstairs, Hana in his arms, the boy looking really tired.

"I need to change her, and she needs feeding" Taehyung said to Hoseok who nodded his head but the boy looked like he was gonna fall over from exhaustion.

"Taehyung, go sit down, I'll change her and then you can feed her on the sofa" Hoseok said, quickly walking over to the stressed out boy who nodded his head.

Hana was only 3 weeks old, she was a massive shock to everyone and threw their schedule completely off but it was all okay.

Taehyung went and sat near Yoongi, the pregnant boy curling into his side as he tried to fall back asleep.

"Yoongi, go get in bed with Namjoon" Taehyung said, nudging the boy who whined and wrapped his arms around Taehyung's before whining.

"Namjoon's too horny to try and get good sleep beside" Yoongi said making the boys chuckle.

"You are too" Hoseok said making Yoongi whine louder.

"Only later in the day, Namjoon wants it constantly" Yoongi mumbled.

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