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Namjoon-30 weeks
Yoongi-30 weeks
Jungkook-30 weeks

"Hyunnnggg" Jungkook whined, shaking Jin's body gently who was sleeping in bed with Yoongi.

Jin woke up quickly, concerned for the younger boy who was waking him up, he quickly opened his eyes looking the the heavily pregnant maknae who looked tired.

"Yeah baby?" Jin asked quietly.

"Can I get in bed with you?" The younger boy asked and Jin quickly calmed down and smiled at the boys before lifting his blanket to allow the younger boy into the bed with him, Yoongi slept like the dead so all the shuffling didn't wake him up as Jungkook and Jin cuddled each other.

"You're so cute like this" Jin said, kissing the younger boy on the nose as he scrunched his face up.

"Like what?" The younger boy asked quietly as he put his head on Jin's chest, listening to his calming heartbeat.

"When you're pregnant you just look so soft, you're skin is glowing and you're so cuddly" Jin said squeezing the boy in his arms slightly and Jungkook cuddled in tighter.

"Go sleep hyung it's 6am" the younger boys said, his face a dark shade of red from the compliment, "I love you, goodnight" Jungkook whispered before quickly drifting back off to sleep.

"Love you too baby" Jin said leaving a kiss on the boys forehead as him and Yoongi let out little snores.

Jin woke up two hours later, he quietly got out of bed before going to the bathroom, he had a quick shower before getting dressed and going downstairs to started to make breakfast for everyone.

Jimin came down next, smiling at Jin before he helped the older boy make breakfast.

The boys talked to each other as they waited for everyone else to wake up.

Ji-Su and Ji-Ho came down first, excitedly running over to the table and sitting down, Jimin placing two plates of food in front of them, they both thanked him before the dug in, once they finished eating they ran over to he living room to play with Yeontan who was sleeping on the sofa until the toddlers came over excitedly petting the dog and telling him that it was morning, the dog stood up and wagged his tail before he ran over to the kitchen where Jin quickly filled his food bowl.

The twins started playing with dolls by the time everyone else came down to eat.

Once breakfast was over the 5 oldest kids were asking to go swimming in the pool in the back garden, the boys had been teaching them how to swim and they loved it, Jimin and Jin took the older kids outside once they were wearing their swimming costumes.

The triplets and Jangmi wanted to go outside as well, but they couldn't and they didn't want to swim, Namjoon and Yoongi went to go and watch them leaving Hoseok, Jungkook and Taehyung to watch the babies inside.

It was a hot day outside, Yoongi and Namjoon were sweating as they watched the toddlers run around the garden, grabbing handfuls of flowers to bring to the pregnant boys.

As they girls were picking flowers Jihyun was kicking a football about, Namjoon was watching the boy, he kept kicking the football towards the leader that would kick it back from the bench, but Namjoon had a sinking feeling in his stomach.

The boy began kicking the ball off again before he kicked it hard enough where it fell into the pool, Jin and Jimin were on the other side of the pool too focused on the other kids to see the boy lean over the edge, reaching his arm out for the ball before he fell in head first.

Namjoon and Yoongi were the only ones that saw, Yoongi froze in fear as Namjoon stood up, every single parental instinct telling him what to do as he ran as quick as his pregnant body would allow, once he reached the edge of the pool he dived in and quickly grabbed the sinking boy by the arm, pulling him above the water and pushing him on to the side, the boy crying loudly as he coughed up water, Yoongi immediately picked the boy up and patted him on the back as Namjoon held on to the side of the pool catching his breath.

Taehyung and Hoseok heard the commotion outside and quickly ran outside the help, they helped Namjoon out of the pool, the boy lying on the edge of the pool as he panted.

Jimin and Jin quickly got the other kids out of the pool as well, taking them inside to dry off and get changed.

"Is he okay?" Was the first thing Namjoon said when he he was able to catch his breath.

"He fine, just a big shock for him" Yoongi said, Holding the whimpering soaked boy to his chest.

Namjoon nodded his head as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his broken phone, throwing it on to the grass beside him before Hoseok and Taehyung helped him stand up.

"Thank you Namjoon" Yoongi said as he pulled the boy into a quick kiss, before they all went inside, locking the backdoor behind them.

"We need a fence around the pool so that never happens again" Namjoon said, stood in the kitchen as water dripped off of him, the baby in his stomach kicking hard against his ribs, clearly not happy from the situation.

The members nodded their head's in agreement as Namjoon went to his bathroom, quickly stripping off before getting in the shower, washing the gross smell of chlorine off of him.

He quickly finished his shower, dried himself off before he went downstairs, "I've called someone, they are coming tomorrow" Jin said and everyone nodded their head's as they all breathed a sigh of relief.

That was scary.

I got stuck on this chapter but I have already wrote the next two so once they are edited they should be out soon.

And it was my first day in school after having summer off today, just 8 more months and then I'm done

I love you all, hope you enjoy


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