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September 14th

Jimin-32 weeks

Jimin woke up. uncomfortable and hungry although he was told he wouldn't be able to eat.

He sighed as he walked downstairs in his pyjamas to see the members eating breakfast, but once they saw Jimin they quickly got rid of their food before going over to the boy.

Taehyung hugged Jimin as the boy stood in the middle of the room.

He was nervous but he was ready, later today he would have a baby.

His appointment was at 12, it was 10 now, Jimin's, Hoseok's and Jungkook's mother was going to come over soon along with Hoseok's sister, to look after the kids since Jimin should be in hospital for the rest of the day.

Jimin sat down on the sofa and wrapped his hand around his stomach as the baby inside kicked at his hand hard, his body ached and he had really had enough of the pregnancy, he did love being pregnant, he just hated the bad sides of it.

There was a knock on the door which sent Yeontan barking as he ran up to the door excitedly, wagging his tail as Namjoon opened it to see Ae-Ri , he smiled at the woman as she pulled him into a hug before she went over to Jimin.

"Hiya hunny, are you feeling okay?" She asked and Jimin nodded his head slowly, he was tired and hungry putting him in a bad mood.

After an hour, all the kids were awake and everyone had arrived as the boys began getting ready to leave, grabbing their bags and putting them in the car as Taehyung helped Jimin get dressed.

They left early, not wanting to be late, Jimin's nerves were acting up, he was gripping on to Taehyung's hands tightly as his leg bounced up and down in the back seat of the car.

Jimin was sat in between the two maknae's, both of them quickly calming Jimin down with comforting words.

Once they arrived, they checked themselves in and Jimin was put in a room, all the members said bye and gave him a kiss and a hug before he was wheeled away, telling him they would be there when he got back.

Jimin was scared as he was wheeled through the hospital, his arm wrapping around his pregnant stomach for the last time as he was wheeled into a room of bright lights, they gave him anesthesia and he watched the world slowly faded to black.


Jimin whined as he opened his eyes, the bright light filling the room, he reached down for his stomach only to feel a searing pain as a hand quickly grabbed his wrist.

He looked over to see Namjoon, smiling down at him, making his smile weakly back up.

When he heard crying, it quickly broke though the silence, he immediately looked up as saw Taehyung trying to calm a screaming baby, wrapped in pink blankets.

Seokjin helped Jimin sit up more straight so Taehyung could pass the baby to him.

Jimin looked down at the little girl as she stopped crying, looking up at Jimin with her mouth open.

She looked like a perfect mix of Jimin and Taehyung.

Jimin began crying, happy tears as he looked down at the baby, lifting her pink hat to reveal a lot of hair, she was small but the doctors said she would be fine and her lungs were fully developed.

Soon a knock was heard on the door, Yoongi opening it as a doctor walked in a smiled.

"She's perfectly healthy, and the entire mass has been removed and you should be fine now, if you have any more symptoms, come back but other than that everything is fine" The doctor said and Jimin nodded his head, he was fine, like they said he would be.

The doctor left after checking Jimin and the baby again, both of them were doing good.

Jimin told some of the members to go home, since he would be fine at the hospital and their parents might need help with the kids since the older ones have gotten a bit more out of hand, hitting their terrible two's a bit late.

None of the members wanted to leave Jimin but in the end Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok left.

Jimin and the others talked for a while until the baby began crying, Jimin got permission from the nurse to breastfeed before he did, the baby calming down quickly before Yoongi took her to burp her before she was passed to Taehyung who rocked her to sleep.

Before Jimin fell back to sleep, he made Jungkook go and get him a salad with a glass of water, his stomach hurting because of how hungry he was.

Jungkook quickly rushed off and came back 10 minutes with the stuff Jimin wanted, a long with a couple extra things incase they got hungry.

Before Jimin fell asleep a nurse came in with a clip board and a birth certificate and asked Jimin to name her as she checked over him and the baby again.

Kim Aera- 14 September 2022 12:34

After Jimin passed the clipboard back, he smiled and told the members the name and they nodded their heads in agreement, after 5 minutes he fell back asleep as the members took care of Aera.

Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you enjoyed.


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