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October 26th

Aera was now 6 weeks old and she was a difficult baby.

She would only sleep about 2 hours before she needed rocking again, and she had colic, she could cry for ages and if you put her down it was even worse, but the boys were used to crying babies by now and they all took turns waking up and checking on her, as well as checking on the other kids who slept through the crying pretty easily.

Jimin and Taehyung woke up early because Jimin and Aera had a check up at the doctor's, Jimin and Taehyung ate breakfast and then Jimin went to grab Aera, the little girl crying from being woken up.

Jimin changed her diaper before feeding her, the little girl calming down quickly as she fed, Jimin kept one arm underneath her, supporting her body as he grabbed his baby bag and grabbed a bottle of milk he pumped the night before and put it in the bag incase she got hungry, Taehyung quickly ran upstairs to get extra diapers before he put them in the bag along with an extra set of clothes.

Jimin changed Aera into a pretty pastel purple onsie and the little girl smiled at him, Jimin looked down and smiled back making the girl squeal quietly as Jimin picked her up.

Taehyung and Jimin quickly put masks on to cover their faces and also put a thin blanket over the baby carrier so no one could take photos of the little girl.

Jimin carried her to the car seat in the back of the car before placing her in it and almost immediately she began screaming, she hated her car seat.

Jimin got in the seat next to her as he bag calming her down and Taehyung brought the bags before getting in the driver's seat.

Aera fell asleep in the car pretty easily, after 3 minutes of the car moving she was out, sleeping quietly as Jimin smiled as he sat in the back seat with her.

He looked over her pretty face and smiled as Taehyung drove him to the doctor's.

Once they arrived Taehyung checked them in and they were quickly brought into a room.

A doctor soon came in, "Hi I'm Dr.Kim and I'll be doing your check up today" the woman said as she bowed, Jimin and Taehyung bowing back as Jimin got on the bed and lifted his shirt.

The woman check his scar and felt around, "is this okay?" She asked and Jimin nodded his head.

"It's still a bit sore but it's fine" Jimin said and she nodded her said and smiled.

"Everything feels perfect" she said with a smile, "do you have any questions?" She asked as she took Jimin's blood pressure and Jimin nodded his head.

"My wedding and honey moon is coming up in couple weeks, will I be able to have sex?" He asked and she nodded her head.

"Yeah, you would probably be okay to have intercourse next week once the tenderness goes away, just be careful" she said with a smile and Jimin nodded his head and thanked her as they headed for their next appointment where Aera was going to get a check up.

Jimin waited in the room with the little girl in his arms, rocking her as she stared at him with eyes full off wonder as Taehyung smiled at them both.

The doctor checked the babies heart beat, the little girl began tearing up but once Jimin quickly grabbed a pacifier out of the bag and put it in her mouth, it quickly stopped the outburst that was about to happen.

The small lady smiled, "does she cry often?" The lady asked and Jimin nodded his head.

"She had colic, she hasn't gotten a lot of sleep so she's a bit upset today" Jimin said, the little girl whimpered as the nurse checked everything and she nodded her head.

"Yeah she seems fine, and the colic should go away in the next couple weeks, otherwise she is a perfectly healthy, beautiful baby girl" the nurse said as she put the little girls onsie back on, Aera calming down again as she looked at the woman.

Taehyung put Aera back in her car seat and the little girl spat her pacifier out and began crying loudly almost immediately, she was screaming and kicking her legs as the doctor looked sympathetically at Jimin and Taehyung who quickly tried to calm her down but it wasn't working.

They decided it would be better if they got in the car so the boys pulled up their masks and covered the baby seat with a blanket which quieted the little girl a bit more as they quickly rushed to the car, Taehyung clipped her car seat in as Jimin sat in the seat next to her and pulled the blanket off as and tried to get her to suck her pacifier again, it lasted about 3 seconds before she spat it back out again and continued sobbing.

Taehyung quickly started the car and began driving, it took 2 minutes for the little girl to finally calm down, Jimin put her pacifier back in her mouth and after another minute she finally fell asleep.

Jimin and Taehyung sighed at the silence as Taehyung carefully drove home.

Once the car stopped the baby woke up again and began crying as Taehyung unclipped her car seat before carrying her inside.

Taehyung walked in and Jin quickly unclipped her and rocked her side to side the baby still screaming loudly.

Jin pouted as he looked down at the small girl and continued rocking her.

Jimin quickly shown up and gently took the baby off Jin before he went into his bed room so he could breastfeed the baby and the sound of crying soon disappeared.

Taehyung smiled and walked into the living room where the kids colouring and watching TV.

"MOMMY MOMMY LOOK AT THIS" Ara screamed at the top of her lungs as she ran towards Taehyung with a drawing but then she tripped, Taehyung quickly caught her before her face hit the floor and the little girl began crying from the sudden shock.

And when she looked down at her messy drawing she began crying even more at the crinkled paper.

"Aww hunny it's okay, it's very nice" Taehyung said as he took the crumpled piece of paper that was covered in squiggles of different colours.

"It a butterfly" Ara said as she pointed at it, Taehyung nodded his head and agreed it was beautiful making the little girl giggle as she ran off to go and make more drawings.

sorry for the abrupt ending I'm decorating a room in my house at the moment.

A new update should hopefully come out later this week or the beginning of next week, see you then.


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