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Taehyung 14 Weeks

Jimin 18 Weeks

Jimin groaned as he woke up and placed a hand on his stomach.

The kicks have been getting stronger and most of them was from the girl on the left side of his stomach.

None of the members have been able to feel them yet because they have been too weak or the members slow to get to Jimin before the kicks would stop.

But these were strong kicks that Jimin could feel against his hand.

He smiled brightly as he leaned back into the bed before screaming.

"HOBI COME HERE QUICK" he screamed as Hoseok was at the door within 5 seconds panting hard as his face held a look of concern.

"What's wrong? are you okay? who did it? I'll kill them," Hoseok says standing in the doorway.

Jimin giggled at the older before moving his hand signaling for him to come closer.

Hoseok walked closer to the younger before his hand was grabbed and placed near the top of Jimin's stomach.

Hoseok kneeled down as he waited before he felt it.

A small kick hit his hand.

His face instantly lit up as he leaned in and hugged Jimin's stomach making the younger smile brightly.

"Well hello Ji-so I can't wait to have you here you are going to be so pretty my beautiful baby girl," Hoseok said softly before playing a kiss against Jimin's bump the baby began to kick even quicker after listening to her father.

"Now she won't stop for ages" Jimin whined before placing his hand on his noticeable large bump.

The baby's
has done a lot more growth in the past couple weeks which Jimin was a bit upset about because he was never going to get his old body back but he was happy they were healthy.

Hoseok climbed onto the bed before leaning onto the other side of Jimin's stomach.

"And you my special little boy I love you so much and I can't wait for you to be here my little Ji-Ho," he said making the emotional younger begin to sob.

"Woah Jiminie I'm sorry I keep forgetting your so emotional" Hoseok giggled as he cuddled up to the younger kissing him on the cheek sweetly.

Suddenly hard kicks began to emit from the right side of making Hoseok and Jimin gasp in surprise.

"Well hello there," Hoseok said as he smiled brightly hugging Jimin's stomach tightly.

"That's the strongest I have felt him kick," Jimin says though happy tears.

"I love you so much Jimin and thank you so much," Hoseok said.


Taehyung 16 Weeks
Jimin 19 Weeks

All the boys made their way to the clinic in a van.

Most of them were struggling to stay awake since it was so early in the morning and they were tired.

Taehyung rested against Jin's shoulder his eyes closed and he was snoring slightly.

Today the boys were going to find out the gender of Taehyung's baby and they couldn't be more excited.

"Taehyung what do you think you're having?" Jimin asked Taehyung's nudging him slightly.

Taehyung's eyes opened a pout on his face from being woke up.

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