Entry 3: The Shinigami

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There was a shinigami in my brothers' room, and I rubbed my eyes again to make sure it was real.

The monster was tall, ghostly pale, had bright red eyes, and wore all black; and spiky black wings rose from his back. He looked at me dead in the eye and began cackling. "This little girl can see me. "
"Is everything alright up there?" Mom called with concern. "Yeah everything's fine." I called back to Mom, hiding my fear the best I could.

I was backing away in terror, "Light?" "Saki, how much did you hear?" He asked in an eerie calmness. "Enough to know that you've killed people!" I shouted, but he put his hand over my mouth to make me stop talking. I quickly pried his hand off my face, "What's going on?" "If I tell you, you must promise not to tell anyone. Or I promise you will regret it," he threatened; his eyes were cold and full of madness. My happy-go-lucky brother was deteriorating right in front of me into a cold-blooded killer.
"What is anyone going to believe anyway?" I said, in a shaky reply.
Light stared at me with amusement, "You're right, what is anyone going to believe?" he chuckled sinisterly.

He picked something off his desk and it was the notebook he was writing names in; it was leather bound and it looked ancient, on the cover was the words, Death Note.
"I found this notebook, and it has the power to kill whomever has their name written in it." Light opened the book and skimmed through the pages on pages of names he had written. "The cause of death must be written within six minutes, or the victim will die of a heart attack in forty seconds."
"Are you sure you should be telling her all this?" The shinigami asked, he wasn't sure whether to trust me, and I didn't want to know what the second choice was.
"It's fine, Ryuk," he told him.
"How did you get here?" I didn't want to acknowledge that Light described how the Death Note killed people. I wanted to figure Ryuk out.

"From your brother touching the Death Note, I'm bound to it, you see. The book belongs to Light until the day he dies of natural causes, if his life comes to an early end, or when I write his name in my notebook, or if he no longer wants to be held responsible and if that's the case then I simply erase his memory of owning the Death Note." Ryuk casually answered my question and counted each possible scenario off on his clawed fingers as if he was making an important decision.

  "If people touch the Death Note, they can see you?" I questioned the shinigami with hesitation. "Precisely."

A cold feeling ran through my blood, and my arms pebbled with goosebumps, "But, I didn't touch the Death Note, why can I see you?" "I have been able to see the shinigami since I was a little girl; I thought I was imagining things." I was taken back to when I was seven years old, playing hopscotch on the driveway of my house, when all of the sudden I saw a monster floating in the sky, watching me.

  Ryuk looked stumped, and he floated around the room tapping his chin with a long pointed nail. He muttered to himself as he was trying to figure out possible solutions to the situation at hand. I was confused and on top of that I was getting terrified.

  He floated back to me and stared at me for a long time, and it was making me uncomfortable. His wide red eyes were staring into my soul, and it gave me the chills.

"Your mind is clear, you can see into the world of the shinigami from your own freewill." Ryuk grinned a toothy grin. "And if you happened to touch the Death Note, your lifespan would be unaffected. It's like dropping a stick in a flowing river, it will just move around you, unharmed. So if your dear brother over here tried to write your name in the notebook then it wouldn't work," he put a clawed hand on top of my head, "Let me see if your power truly works."

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