Entry 21: Danger

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Delete.... Delete... delete...

   Those words were what I constantly heard during the night, and I was losing more sleep. Thankfully, L was still sweet and compassionate, he even helped me by doing what we normally did when either one of us were stressed. He also would still sing to me because he remembered that it made me happy. After a while my nightmares began to be less frequent. I was able to work hard on the investigation and live life as normally as I could.

Watari, L, and I continued to work with Near and the SPK, trying to stay ahead of Mello while we attempted to help rescue my sister.

L and I stayed silent through this process because we were still supposed to be dead. Sayu was taken by a group of men to an unknown location in California. Dad went ahead to save her. My heart was beating rapidly in fear and anger, I know I said I didn't hate Light, but in that moment, I hated him for what he was putting our family through; the Death Note lived up to its name and it was causing everyone pain and suffering.

I used my power to see into the hideout and saw Sayu in a glass cage along with my father. Wherever the Death Note was, I could see what was going on. I had to bite the sleeve of my black jacket to keep from screaming, the mysterious man was threatening my sister's life if Dad wouldn't hand over the Death Note. 

It was all a blur when the men connected the notebook to a missile intending to blow up the hideout with Dad and Sayu still there. I wish I could have started screaming there and then because the fear I was experiencing was hurting me.

Thankfully, Sayu and Dad were okay. That didn't prevent Sayu from being severely traumatized, and her injuries from the explosion would cause her to be wheelchair ridden.

Sayu wouldn't talk for a while. My heart ached for her.

My vision shifted, and I saw a more heartbreaking sight. 

  I was able to see that she, Mom, and Dad had moved into a secluded cabin in the woods to aid in her healing. As the vision played out in my mind, I was able to see that Sayu wasn't herself anymore. She would just stare ahead blankly and she was in an immense amount of pain. Light had done this to her, and he probably didn't care. 

Meanwhile, another shinigami named Sidoh would be working alongside the Mafia, because he was looking for his Death Note. Turns out, Ryuk had been the one to take it, and that was the one Light had found. 

  L and I would be keeping tabs on the news headlines while Near stayed in contact with my brother. I would see more horrifying visions of whatever crime Light or Mikami would commit with the Death Note. Mikami was probably more deranged than Light, and that was saying a lot. I could also see Misa not acting like herself, she moved as if she were in a trance around Light. She was still enduring the emotional abuse from him. I hoped she would find a way to get out of that relationship. 

  "Rem, if you find Misa again, help her." I whispered, I was afraid for my best friend's life. "Ryuk, help bring my brother to justice," I whispered to the shinigami.  

"We'll do our best," Rem told me. She appeared in the headquarters. L jumped, startled at first, but when he realized it was Rem, he calmed down. I got up from my chair and held him, "It's alright, babe." I assured him. 

Rem studied us with amusement, like she was trying to figure out human marriage. I knew she had a soft spot for romance.

"In all my thousands of years of witnessing humans come in contact with a Death Note, I had never seen anyone as vile and cruel as Light Yagami." her yellow eye narrowed at the sound of my brother's name. 

Ryuk appeared, "You have spirit, Saki. Your kind heart will get you through this." it was surprising to hear the shinigami sound mellow when I knew him to be energetic. 

  I was crying, because I was either worn out mentally or I was touched by Ryuk's words. "I'm grateful we have all become allies and friends. I appreciate your help, we appreciate your help," I held my husband's hand as we acknowledged the shinigami.

  "You have changed our lives young ones," Rem told us kindly. "We're still here for you whenever you need us," Ryuk added. 

The two shinigami disappeared.

Rem and Ryuk were great friends to me and L. They helped us through so much, even though the shinigami weren't necessarily meant to help humans. 

Due to Light's selfish desires, I was still angry with him for all he had done to us. Soon he would suffer a world of pain, as I could sense it. The brother I once knew was no longer there, and he was completely different from what he once was. Light was replaced with Kira. 

L was the only bright spot left in my life. He made the six years in hiding more bearable, and I believe the difficult experience made our marriage even stronger. L and I were more of a team than ever. 

Mello attacked the Task Force to try to get the Death Note, but during the struggle, he shot my father. He would later die of his wounds in the hospital, and he would never know Light was actually Kira. I collapsed and cried for hours after seeing the incident through Ryuk's eyes, and L held me for every second. "I'm so sorry, Saki. Soichiro will be greatly missed." his black eyes were full of sadness for me and he rubbed my back to ease my stress. "Thank you, L. Thank you." I clung onto him for dear life. I kissed him on the lips with love and gratitude. "You know, it was because of my father that we met." I smiled tearfully. I held his hands, "As long as I'm with you, everything will be alright." I was still crying because I missed my father 

     For the next few months, we lived in England for a short time until we were ready to face off with Light and end his conquest for good once and for all.

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