Entry 22: Delete

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L and I discussed the concluding part of our plan. Near was on board with it, because he had a plan of his own in mind with ours. L and I would be coming out of hiding to confront my brother, catching him and exposing him as Kira once and for all. After the death of my father, I was ready to confront Light after all these years. We would be flying back to Japan with the SPK, Near would fill us in on the plan while we were still on the plane. Luckily, Watari had a private jet that we could use.  Everything led up to this moment. I still feared the unknown.

  On the plane...

"What are you thinking about?" L asked me. I smiled at the question because it was something I usually asked him. "How we're finally gonna confront my brother, and oddly enough I'm not afraid." I laid my head on his shoulder. "Why is that?" he chuckled, and softly stroked my hair. "Because we are going to show him who justice really is," I used my brothers' words against him. I was surprised at the courage in my voice, but L wasn't, because he gave me a proud smile, "You have come a long way Saki Lawliet, there has been courage a part of you all along. You just had to believe in yourself," he gently kissed me. I kissed him back, touching his face. We had forgotten there was other people on the plane with us, and luckily, we had a row to ourselves where we could be alone.

  "L, even though we're about to face off with Light, I wouldn't change anything that's happened for meeting you, falling in love with you, and becoming your wife." I meant every word I said. "That means a lot to hear you say that, and the feeling is mutual, Saki. As I've told you before, you were the bright sky that came into my life," he kissed my forehead. "You are the love of my life, and I am eternally grateful for you," we were facing each other very closely, "You are the love of my life, L. I will cherish you forever," I kissed him this time. "I love you so much, my sweet." "I love you too, babe." I flirted. 

The Final Battle...

"L, Saki, we're here." Near told us. We had fallen asleep because of how spent we were. I nodded, "What do you want us to do?" "You and L are going to walk into the warehouse with us, but make sure you stay behind us to catch Light by surprise." the boy told us. He was very wise for only being seventeen, and I could see why L wanted Near to be his successor.

"Let us know when we can step forward," L told Near. "Of course," he nodded. My hands began to shake with nerves but L held my hand to steady the nerves. What Near didn't tell us at first was that he knew Teru Mikami would show up with a fake Death Note, but he didn't know that it was fake. He would try to write our names down.

  As Near instructed, L and I stood behind the group of SPK as we walked into the warehouse.  Near wore a mask to cover his face and placed his toy figurines on the ground. I steadied my breaths to maintain a clear head. I hadn't seen my brother in six years because I was supposed to be dead. A knot formed in my throat, I knew this meant I was about to cry. I pressed my lips together to stop the tears from coming.

"Everything will be alright, Aina." L smiled and was stroking my hand with his thumb. I nodded, "I trust you, Ryuzaki." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

The warehouse doors opened and the Japanese Task Force stepped through, into the building.   I couldn't see them because of the people standing in front of me and L.

  "So, we're here." Light's voice told Near, who was sitting on the floor like L would. I was staring at the fan on the wall, and then I looked at L, who was always my source of comfort.

  "Hello Light, I am Near." the boy greeted, his face still covered behind the mask that resembled L.

  "How dare you wear that mask, and not protect any of your colleagues. Kira could be among us," my brother scolded. "Kira is already here," Near took off his mask and looked intently at Light. "And it's because of Kira that your sister is dead," Near said, clearly trying to see how Light would react. "Never bring up my sister again," Light warned with gritted teeth. "Why are you getting defensive? I was referring to a fact." Near fiddled with the toy figurines on the ground, through the wall of people I could see one of them was labeled Kira.

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