Entry 7: Death and Confrontation

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        More people died of heart attacks and more information came to light. I would see who was the latest victim in the rising death toll. 

 I could see the murders happen through Ryuk's perspective. Since my mind was aware of the shinigami, my mind would unknowingly connect to the point of view of a shinigami. It was kind of like lucid dreaming, it felt like a dream, but I was aware of it. I would be going about my day and all of the sudden I was in the moment of whatever crime was being committed. The stress that I thought was gone came back at full force.
"What's happening?" I was pacing back and forth in my room with Ryuk watching.

"You seem to have some form of telepathy, which means you can see what I see and you can see what Light does as Kira." he giggled with amusement. "You can see every single kill," his red eyes seemed to stare into my soul. I was suddenly overcome with fear for my life, and I was wanting all this to be a nightmare again. What I had been witnessing the past few months has been a nightmare. "Can you take it away from me?" I asked with desperation. I didn't want to have the ability to see who Light killed and what happened as a result of the Death Note. "I cannot, it is beyond my abilities. Your power is a part of you and it always will be whether you like it or not."

  I tried with all my might to hold back my tears, but they betrayed me. "Can't you put a stop to Light's actions? Last time I checked, murder was still murder." I sobbed. My hands began to shake and I attempted to take deep breaths to calm down. Ryuk just stared at me, "You really are too good. Your purity helps you see through the evils of this world. I unfortunately cannot stop Light, whatever he does with the Death Note is his call. I am truly sorry." that was the first time I heard an ounce of sympathy come from the shinigami's mouth. I thought gods of death were unfeeling and evil, Ryuk was mischievous, but not evil; at least in my eyes. Like I said, I saw the good in everyone. It was a blessing and a curse. I wanted to believe Light was still a good person, and that he would give up his evil ways for the good of the world. However, no matter how hard I would try to convince myself, I would be rudely reminded of how evil he truly was. He saw the world as rotten and there was no stopping him on his pursuits. 

  Suddenly, things began to go even further downhill. Light had heard everything in my conversation with Ryuk.

"Saki, all this time I thought you were on my side," he chuckled sinisterly. I turned around to see him staring at me with an evil grin.

"Why the hell would I be on your side?" I scowled. My brother had the audacity to ask such a question that was further from the truth. "You said you saw the goodness in everyone, so you would see who was truly good and who was worthy of living." Light dangerously stepped towards me. 

"I never said anything like that, and if you think I did then you're insane!" I was terrified even though he couldn't do anything to hurt me. "Am I?" he invited venomously. "Yes," a sudden sense of courage washed over me, I wasn't afraid of my brother; I knew he wanted me to be afraid. "And you're evil." I shot. Those were the words Light didn't want to hear. I wanted to run away in that moment, but I stood my ground. Ryuk chuckled to himself and his red eyes focused on the confrontation. I wanted to run to L to be in his embrace, and I wanted to hide from the dangers that were arising.

  "I see how it is then," Light said with an eerie calmness. "Yeah?" I glared. "My own sister has betrayed me," he growled. His brown eyes turned red again and this time it was with anger. "No, I'm listening to reason. It doesn't matter who people are, Light. Murder is still murder." "You're going to regret saying that, Saki." Light warned. "I'm not afraid of you," I warned back. "You should be." "Why do you feel the need to take the lives of others to prove a point?!" I yelled with fury. "Yes, there are bad people in the world who choose to do bad things, but it's not your call to decide who lives and who dies!" tears came back to my eyes.

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