Entry 20: Six Years Later

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We stayed in London for six whole years. We were conducting the investigation from Wammy's House and we worked with Near and the SPK, the Special Provisional Forces against Kira. Mello always let his emotions get the best of him, and he wanted to be the first to catch Kira. As a result he went off on his own way, and I didn't know what he was going to do then, but as always I had a feeling it wasn't going to be good. He had joined the Mafia, and had gone off the deep end just like Light had. He wanted the Death Note for himself.
  Near was to be L's successor in the near future and he was doing a fine job of leading the SPK. Whenever he would have to make calls with Light, L and I couldn't speak up because we were supposed to be dead, but if needed, we would use a voice modifier so Light wouldn't recognize us. Watari would keep up with the news from Japan to see the latest updates on Kira, lets just say things were indeed getting crazy. 

More supporters of Kira were popping up all over the world and others only supported out of fear of their name ending up in the Death Note. 

Things would only get worse when another Kira arose, due to my power, I was able to see that it was a man named Teru Mikami. He was a criminal prosecutor who was extremely deranged and agreed with the philosophy of Kira, that all bad people needed to be erased from the world, but Mikami used the word deleted.
Bad people needed to be deleted from the world; this was one of the times where I saw my power as a curse, because I would see him rapidly write names in the Death Note muttering, "Delete...delete...delete...delete." the man was having the time of his life, like he was playing a game.
I closed my eyes as tight as I could to disperse the horrifying vision. I began to have a panic attack, "MAKE IT STOP!!!" I screamed in agony. My heart was beating to the point of pain and I broke down in a cold sweat.
"Saki," L touched my face to being me back to reality. I opened my eyes, the vision faded away, and then I saw my husband's face. He wiped my tears away by caressing my face.
"Are you alright?" he spoke soothingly to bring me out of my panic. "I am now." I took deep breaths to slow down my heart rate. I hugged L and he held me close, stroking my hair. "You're safe," he assured me.
"What did you see?" Near asked gently. I knew I needed to tell him and L. "Mikami was writing more names in the book, and he has been in direct contact with Light." My eyes were still widened in horror at what I saw.
"Light has also reunited with one of his old girlfriends from college, Kyiomi Takada, but she's only interested in the reunion because he's Kira; this is something that will not turn out well." I looked at L and Near with anxiety. "Like Misa, Light will dispose of her after he's done with her. In fact he plans on killing her." that's what I saw through my connection with Ryuk. I didn't know where Rem had gone, but she was keeping herself scarce. She told me she would show up if I needed her help again. 

"What should we do?" I asked L and Near.

"I will keep in contact with your brother, he won't suspect anything as long as you and L keep quiet for a moment." The boy told me.
I nodded, "Be careful, Near. My brother is ruthless." I wasn't keen on letting Light hurt any more people I cared about. "Don't worry, Saki. Everything will be alright." 
Another vision plagued my mind, my younger sister got kidnapped by Mello and the Mafia; and she was held hostage in exchange for the Death Note, so it was up to my father and Light to rescue her. I fell into L's arms exhausted. Another vision showed up in my mind, and it showed Misa and Light. "Misa, if things go wrong. We'll have to kill Sayu." It was that moment that made me want to scream. I started crying, "Sayu got kidnapped, if things don't go well, Light will kill her." I fainted out of anxiety for the safety of my sister.  Everything was going wrong, horribly wrong. 

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