Entry 5: Kira's Wrath

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     I was getting ready for the day when more murders were broadcasted on the news. I heard that some officers were resigning because of their refusal to continue working on the case.  Listening to the news of the fallen victims of Kira had been almost a normal routine which was sad to say.
During that month, I felt Light watching me with amusement. It was scary that I couldn't feel safe in my own home. Ryuk would look on and laugh to himself.
He floated into my room while I was doing my homework.
"What are you going to do, Saki? Are you going to tell them your brother is Kira?" the shinigami inquired, his red eyes were lit up with excitement and mischief.
"I don't know," I replied in monotony. It all happened so fast; Light finding the Death Note, using it to kill people, and having his idea of justice. Murder wasn't justice.
"Any advice?" I asked Ryuk, I wasn't sure why I did.
The shinigami tapped his chin for a while and he muttered under his breath, and then he looked at me, "Nope, I got nothing!" he cackled.
"Some help you are," I grumbled.

Annoyed with Ryuk's constant blabbering, I put my headphones on, connected them to my laptop, and began to listen to music so that I could finish the rest of my homework. Luckily, I was able to finish it.

  I decided to go on a bike ride around my neighborhood to clear my head because I was feeling stressed out. Not only did I have lots of homework for school, but I was also on high alert for what Light was going to do next as Kira. I knew my conscious was telling me that I needed to tell my father and L that Light was Kira, but then I was at war with myself; they probably wouldn't believe me like Light said. What is anyone going to believe?

If I tell Dad and L, then they'll be able to solve the case saving thousands of lives, but Light will unleash his wrath on me and still go about the murders. I don't know what to do. I don't know who can help me.

I rode past the park that was by my house, and I parked my bike to sit down on a bench to think. My head began to throb and I massaged my temples to make the pain go away. The problems that were piling up were weighing me down and the pressure was starting to make me crack. I wanted all of this to be a bad dream, or anything but real life.

  My brother couldn't have wanted world domination as Kira, he wanted to focus on getting into university and take over the police force, but I would only be lying to myself. Light did in fact want to control the world and "cleanse" the world of crime. There were some parts of his motives that I did understand, but Light was only becoming the very thing he wanted to get rid of, he was becoming evil serial killer. His actions were in his self-interest, not the interest of others. Murder was still murder. He only put the world in a state of terror. I had a feeling his narcissism would be his downfall.

   I would still hear him maniacally laughing to himself in his room as he wrote down more names in the Death Note.

How could my brother be a hero in all this? He was a cold, callous, and unfeeling murderer.

All of the thoughts I had were overwhelming me and tears began to fall. The cold air blanketed me and I began to shiver after realizing I forgot to bring my jacket on my bike ride.

I wanted some comfort and solace. I couldn't turn to my parents or Sayu. Light would use his threat against me to his advantage if I begged him to stop being Kira, my brother was very manipulative; even before he found the Death Note.

  After a while of crying to myself, I noticed that my phone beeped, notifying me that I had a text message.

  I flipped it open and I saw a message from L! My lips curled into a smile when I read the text.

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