Entry 23: Healing

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Since the fall of Kira, everything went somewhat back to normal. L and I still stayed in our little house in Tokyo with Watari, Sayu eventually recovered from her injuries and was talking again, Mom was feeling better than she was after Dad got shot, but I knew the pain still resided deep within her. My visions finally stopped and I no longer saw the shinigami. I was relieved that this curse was finally taken away from me.

Misa was taking my brother's death the hardest, she called me in tears. "What am I supposed to do?" her sobs echoed through the phone, and it broke my heart, "You can live your own life the way you want to, no one will tell you what to do." "Light was the only man who's ever loved me. He said so himself," she sobbed. "Misa, I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you this, but he was using you. He was going to get rid of you when he had no use for you anymore," I was starting to cry with her, but it was cries of sympathy. "He never cared about you, and I'm so sorry you went through what you did and for what he's done to you," I felt tears sliding down my face.

Light had hurt so many people and took innocent lives. He had also led on and emotionally abused Misa. I was attempting to help Misa understand that so she wouldn't be put through more pain. What Light did to her wasn't love, it was domestic abuse. 

"I know, Saki" her voice was shaking. "I kept telling myself that he did love me, and that he wanted to be with me. He never did." She was finally admitting that her relationship with Light was toxic. "Sometimes it's hard to admit things to yourself." I commended. "What should I do?" she asked me. Even though Misa was older than I was, I felt in that moment I was her older sister giving her the best advice I could think of, "Find what you want to do in life. Think about the things you've always wanted to do. If you still want to act and model, then do that. If you want to expand your horizons on other things, then you have the freedom to make that choice." I wanted Misa to know that she was the one who could choose how her life would turn out, after the deaths of her parents, and now Light, she felt like she had no one. "You don't need approval from anyone."

"Can you help me?" Misa asked with desperation. I knew I could help her get through the rough patch she was going through. "Of course, best friend." I used the nickname we used for each other from when we were younger, and she when she was a bridesmaid at mine and L's wedding. "Thank you, best friend." she replied.

To help her have a safe and secure place, L and I had her move in with us so she would have a place to stay.

She was very morose. In the end, I was grateful to help her. L and I welcomed her with open arms.

When mine and L's daughter Hana came into our lives, Misa was overjoyed to help us out. "Can I pick out outfits for her?" she asked with brewing excitement. "Yes," I grinned, "Hana is so lucky to have a stylish aunt."

That boosted Misa's self esteem. "Yay! Hana is going to look so pretty."

While Misa and Hana were asleep, L and I had one of our late night conversations. Something told me that we had saved Misa's life by letting her live with us. She had already been through enough.

"How are you this evening?" "I'm better than I was, my nightmares seemed to have stopped." I hadn't had a nightmare in over eight months, I felt safe inside my own mind again.

"That's wonderful news," L smiled; his cute boyish smile still made my heart flutter after eight years of being married to each other. "I must agree, it's nice to sleep normally again." I snuggled next to L on the sofa. "I'm so glad, sweetheart." L stroked my hair, holding me close, and then softly kissing me. "I would still love to hear you sing before we go to sleep," I said flirting. He chuckled, "Alright, because I know it makes you happy." he kissed me on the forehead, and then I kissed him on the lips. "You make me happy."
"We have a good life together, don't we." L hugged me and kissed me. "Yes, we have a great life." I smiled and kissed him back.
As L and I were in our embrace, I noticed something odd. My visions had come back.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure watching us. The closer I looked was the moment I realized that I saw the ghost of my brother, Light. He was floating in the air, staring at me with sadness.

He looked at me apologetically and then he vanished.

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