Chapter 14

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I didn't like the chapter the first time I wrote  it so I wrote it again. This is the new chapter 14. I hope it's a lot better! 

Please read it and tell me what you think!



Characters and plot owned by Suzanne Collins!


Chapter 14

I walked towards the door, my day already officially ruined, pretty much before it began. Seeing Katniss’ hand entwined with the baker boys was plain torture and I had a whole day, week or even months of having to listen to people to talk about it. The two were going to be the spotlights of the school without being present, which meant me and all of the ‘Peeta fans’ (his closest friends) would be in the center of attention. Great, just great… I could already hear the sappy comments from the girls and the unpredictable ones from the guys.

-They are so cute together!

-I never knew they were so close. It must have been love at first sight…

-Looks like Gale finally got thrust off his throne.

-The one girl who can actually have a normal conversation with hunter dude is the girl who goes for Mellark…

-Katniss finally got someone to see her as a girl and not just a friend…

-And the winners are the lovers of District 12!

-Can you believe they were on fire? They must have been holding hands because of the pain.

That Mellark kid was doing everything to get onto my last nerve, even though he didn’t really know he was doing it. Just the thought that he could do this to me without truly knowing he was doing it made the whole thing even worse. I felt like I was slowly being murdered from the inside out.

Gathering my courage I headed out along with Rory, Prim and Vick. My mouth was stretched in a thin line, making sure nobody could tell what emotion I was feeling. The only people who had realized I did this when I was angry were Posy and Catnip, but neither of them was here right now.

The four of us made our way in silence. Not one of the little ones dared to say anything, out of the fear that they might say something that would make my mood even worse. They knew me well enough to know that if I was mad I was best to be left alone and if possible in the woods.

Only when we had arrived did Rory gather the courage to speak up.

“Gale I know you’re in a bad mood but don’t use it against people who have nothing to do with the whole situation. Please, just try to swallow whatever you want to retort back at them. You know it could end us all up in lots of trouble!” He whispered, hoping to bring some sense back into me.

“I know! You shouldn’t worry so much Rory! I know how to control myself.” I replied trying to calm him, but not sure myself if I could just swallow up a comment that involved this topic.

“Alright! And don’t forget to try! You promised!” He said with a wave as he and the others headed off to class.

“Yeah, I promised.” I muttered even though I knew he couldn’t hear me anymore, before I also stepped into the building.

As soon as I opened the door the schools screams already started to overpower me.

“Did you see? OMG I so told you he was in love with her!”

“Alright, alright you were right, but don’t they make such a cute couple?! The two of them are more than perfect for each other! They’re sole mates!”

"They were on fire! The two of them were on fire!"

“How could he fall for her?! I am so much better than that little…”

“The baker finally made his move.”

“It’s a coincidence that they got together before one of this is about to die isn’t it?”

“Maybe Katniss wants to make him think she loves him and will then kill him off when he least expects it.”

“I wonder what Gale will think of this. He just lost his best friend/cousin due to the hunger games, and now he has to find out that she’s ‘dating’ the person he obviously hates the most. It would suck to be him… He’s probably going to be breaking his TV today.”

Some of the comments went so overboard that I was getting close to the point where I looked for the owner of it and made them suffer for it.

My muscles started tensing up, my legs started to move forward and my mouth had already pulled its self back into a smirk… My eyes pierced through the crowd narrowing on the person whose comment had hurt me the most. The seam boy glared back at me realizing that I had heard everything he had said.

“I- I didn’t mean to hurt you, it’s just that with all of this going on I kind of assumed Peeta and Katniss were dating and that you didn’t like it… Some people even think you like like Katniss… I really didn’t mean to say anything to offend you though!” The boy tried to talk his way out of it.

“Save it. I don’t care why you said it. I just care about the fact that you said what you said. Don’t go spreading things like that around!” I warned him the anger pulsing through my body, before an arm grasped mine and pulled me away. That kid owed whoever had just come to save him a lot.

“Gale Hawthorne! I know you’re mad and upset about what we saw today but you can’t go around threatening every person who says something that offends or upsets you! Don’t go around showing everyone how much what’s happening affects you. Go around showing how much you care about Katniss.” Madge scolded me, making me feel horribly bad.

“You’re right. Sorry.” I told her giving in, urging my body to relax.

“I always am!” She laughed. “Do you still remember what we discussed yesterday?”

“Of course I do!” I exclaimed nodding.

“Okay, well maybe you could come over to my house tonight so we can talk about it. My dad also greatly supports us. He said he was more than willing to help.”

“That’s great! I’ll have to drop my brother and Prim off at home and let my mom know before I go over though.”

“It’s fine, as long as I am able to help you and Katniss.”

“You’ve already done more than enough and we truly appreciate it!”

“No, you and Katniss are my only true friends. I owe you a lot for that, and your daily deliveries of strawberries. I couldn’t live without them.”

“Those deliveries help Katniss and me a lot too you know…”

“I guess they do.” Madge laughed. “So I’ll see you late today right?”

“Yeah, and thanks for stopping me from hurting that boy.”

“You’re welcome. And now that you mention it, that boy owes me…”

“He sure does!” I laughed before we both headed off to class. It was nice having a friend who cared about me and helping Katniss.

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