Chapter 11

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Snce there were so many unknow tribute names I had to think of a few to write this chapter. I decided on the names based on their meanings, which are close to the characters pesonalities and rare so they fit into the book. Please tell me what you think of them!

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Character and plot owned by Suzanne Collins!


Chapter 11

An old white haired man came onto the screen. He was wearing a very formal outfit and roses were everywhere around him. There were roses from every color on the color wheel and more. The man on the screen stared at us like he wanted our deaths. My mom tensed from panic at just the sight of him. I understood why, he seemed to be giving us a death glare while planning something horrible. It could easily be taken that he was planning our deaths.

When he was sure we were all frightened enough his voice started to boom, leaving our house shacking.

"Greetings my fellow citizens! As most of you should know I am President Snow the ruler of Panem. Today I am here to inform you about the 74thHunger Games. We only feel that the games will be fair if you are warned beforehand! The tributes WILL need your help this year! We think this might be the toughest group yet going into one of the most dangerous arenas yet! I promise you, they will need all the help they can get!" And with that the scary pale face flashed off of the screen and the seal of Panem came back out. For minutes that was the only thing up there. The seal of Panem flashing at us. We were all about to leave when they started playing the reapings.

District 1 stood of two very buff kids whose names I plotted down Glimmer and Marvel. They were very determined looking careers. Glimmer had blonde hair and strong features. When she headed up to the podium after volunteering she sent the camera a smile. Well more like an evil grin... Marvel was also a defined person. His glare was so fierce that if looks could kill most of us would be dead by now.  He also shot the camera a grin that was the exact mirror of Glimmers.

The District 2 tributes looked like they were the most dangerous ones for Katniss. Cato and Clove were two big kids who were very close by the looks of it. On the stage the two hugged and started jumping from joy. They also started discussing something right away under their breaths. I wish I could have warned Katnissabout them! Clove seemed to take it as a special effort to try to freak everyone out by mouthing things to the screen like "I love death", "You'll be the 1st to die!" or "Good luck" and burst out laughing. Cato was just staring people down while holding Clove's hand.

District 3 and 4 didn't have any eye catching people. It was weird that District 4 didn't have anyone good this time though because they were also one of the career Districts. It was fine by me though. It equaled less people for Katniss to have to watch out for. I just hope she realizes who her enemies are and doesn't confuse them. Only she would be capable of doing that.

District 5's tributes were small. The girl, who was called Bertille (Name means: clever, skillful) was the smallest tribute out of the 24 though the boy looked like he had only reached the minimum age to join the reaping that day. Bertilleon the other hand looked very clever and sly. She had red hair and sharp fox like features. With a name like that Katniss was obviously only going to remember her face. Maybe she'll even nickname her 'Foxface'.

The other districts 6,7,8,9 and 10 were filled withweak people who were sure to die the first day at the cornucopia. District 11 was very surprising this time though. A tall, giant to be more exact guy named Thresh was the tribute who looked like he could break someone's skull withhis bare hands. The girl, Rue, reminded me of Prim, being so helpless and innocent, but unlike with Prim nobody wanted to take her place. When her name was called, only the howling of the wind was heard. It was enough for me to feel bad for her already which meant Katnisswould be allying up with her.  She always had a softer heart than me so she wouldn't even think this girl could be a threat to her though I saw the potential in Rue.

Last of all came District 12 where Katniss and Peeta were the tributes. I watched as Prim was pulled again, Catnip volunteering to take her place. Than Peetawas pulled and he made his way up to the stage stopping on the way to smile into the camera and mouth "I will win!" to the viewers. This was something that had gone unnoticed to my eyes at the reaping and the viewing at school earlier but I was glad I had seen it. It proved how much Peeta was like the careers and it made my insides boil. I hope he will be out by the end of the first night.

The seal of Panem flashed again and this time the TV shut off as if disappeared. As soon as it was gone I jumped up in rage.

"Did you see what that Mellark kid did? That was an insult to our District! He's got no chance in there! Does he think if he plays though the careers might let him join their little crew, kill everyone off and then he'll just get rid of them in full health? Is that what the stupid kid is planning?" I screamed. That boy was making me furious.

"I don't know what that Peeta is planning but it's definitely not something worthy of a citizen of District 12. His mother probably put him up to this. She'll take credit for the boy while he is strong but when she starts to see him losing she'll reject him in seconds. It's typical of her." My mother agreed not even trying to calm me down. I guess she knew it would be no use.

"Well Cato, Clove and Thresh look scary!" Rory said shivering.

"Yeah they'll probably be on the top of the list of people to watch Rory, but you have to add Glimmer, Marvel, Bertille (Again Bertille is Foxface) and Rue too." I told him. He never recognized all the enemies he should.

"What? Why would the little girl from District 11 be a threat? Or even the small one from District 5?" He asked confused.

"Well Katnisswill probably ally up with Rue which means she could have any easy kill on her. She could also be pretending to be weak right now like one of the past victors. Bertille looks really clever already and if I'm not wrong she should have a few tricks up her sleeve." I told Rory.

"You got all this from a reaping? They only showed like 10 minutes on each district Gale? You could be wrong you know!" He accused, not wanting to admit I'm right.

"Rory, we know Gale's always been good at this! Just give it to him. We do know he's right." My mom told Rory with a frown.

"That's 10 people out of the 24. I guess the Snow guy was right. This is the strongest group yet." Prim whispered. "Why does Katniss have to be in there now?"

"TEN? But we only mentioned plus Katniss. Who are the other 2?" Rory asked worried now.

"Well I think we should add Peeta to the pile, and that boy and the girl from District 4 to the group too. I think she was called Abhiti." (means: fearless, brave, courageous) Prim answered him.

"I don't think Abhiti will be a threat! Peeta definitely is one though!" I intercepted before Rory could answer.

"So there are 8 threats to Katniss." Rory said closing off the topic.

 We all numbly nodded. 8 was a pretty high number. Usually there were only 2 or 3 people I concluded as threats. President Snow or whoever that ruler guy was had not been lying. The tributes would need all the support they can get!

Even though Ms. Everdeen was going to be occupying a lot of my free time next to school and hunting I knew we had to get extra money somehow. I just didn't know how we were going to yet. I mean now 3 of us were working, or making money, I guess some of the leftover money could be used to help Katniss. Maybe I could also ask to help the mayor. Madge had been telling me she could get me a job there for a while now. It would be the most convenient and I would be able to do everything normally then. Madge had told me I would only need to drop by for an hour a few times. I would have to ask her about it to find out a little more...


So the new names so far were:

Thalia- Ms. Everdeen-  means: flowering

Bertille- Foxface- means: clever, skillful

Adhiti- District 4 girl- means: fearless, brave, courageous

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