Chapter 20- part 1

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Chapter 20- part 1

One the way home, my mind kept racing. I kept picturing scenarios of Peeta and Katniss together. Them kissing and holding hands. The people in the capital coming up with weird names for them as a couple.  Peeta using this to get him through the games until the very end. Then he would kill Katniss when she least expects it. Other times I saw Peeta using this game to push Katniss into trouble and get her killed.

I had to stop. I had no idea how Prim and Mrs. Everdeen had reacted to the news and since it was my job to support them, I couldn't pull them down with my own thoughts. I couldn't let them worry more than they already were. They might be happy about it, glad that Katniss found someone for herself before she goes in the arena to fight for her life. In that case I was going to have to pretend I am happy too.

How was I going to do this?

My only goal soon was just that I pull myself together for Prim and Mrs. Everdeens sake. They couldn't see me cry. That would ruin everything. Send them into immediate panic mode, something that I may not be able to pull them out of.

I had no idea what I was going to say about why I rushed away, but there wasn't enough time to figure that out. I would just have to think fast if they asked, but I wasn't really worried about that. My main source of worry was Mrs. Everdeen. I had to keep her from getting depressed and seeing her daughter probably hadn't helped my case.

Reaching the house I stopped, pausing. I tied my shoes, in hopes of gaining more time to assess the situation. The TV was now off, all the electricity we had gone. It was dark, except for the few lit candles.

The house was silent, no sound of weeping, but also no chatter. I didn't know where to place this. It could either be a sign that everything was fine or the greatest cry for help possible.

Slowly I creaked the door open peering inside. Prim was laying in bed, tears streaming down her face. She looked worse than when I had brought her back into the house and now my brothers were trying to comfort her. They seemed to be getting somewhere, because Prim weakly smiled, the tears stopping for a moment. 

Looking around, Mrs. Everdeen was nowhere to be found. Panicking I rushed to the kitchen where I found her with my mother. They were in deep conversation and luckily there was no indictor of a big problem. I didn't see any reason to interrupt, so I left, hoping everything would be fine.

Now a little calmer I headed by to the boys and Prim, who were now laughing.

"Everything alright?" I questioned with a smile. My brothers just shrugged in reply, leaving Prim to answer.

"I miss Katniss so much. It hurts to see her on TV, because I know I might not get to see her there much longer." Prim whispered, now crying again. I bent down to comfort her, pulling her into my lap.

"We all miss Katniss, but think of it this way. Every time you see Katniss on TV you should be happy. You should smile, because she's surviving. I know the games haven't started yet, but we need to watch her now, so she can get sponsors and after the games start we'll know that every day she's a step closer to coming home to us. So every time we see her, whatever happens, we will be happy, because she is still fighting. Alright?"

"What if we watch her die? I can't be happy then."

"We won't. She promised you and I will promise too. Katniss will come home!"

"But she could still die. I don't want to see her die."

"If she's in a bad situation I'll take you anywhere you want so you won't see what happens."

"How will we know what happened then?"

"We'll see the next day."

"So would you take me to the woods?" She asked with a smile, knowing that was the one place I would never allow her to go.

"Maybe not anywhere..." I smiled, putting her down. "Now get some sleep, you have school tomorrow."

Prim nodded as she climbed into bed, waiting for me to tuck her in. I did as Katniss or her mom used to every night and kissed her forehead.

"Sweet dreams little Prim."

"Wait," She whispered grabbing onto my hand. "She loves us right Gale?"

"She'll always love us." I replied, even thought I wasn't completely sure she loved me. It didn't matter though, because these things weren't important at the moment. They would only be important if Katniss ever came home.

After making sure Prim and my siblings were all asleep I slipped into the kitchen where my mom was now comforting Mrs. Everdeen. Things were the complete opposite of what they had been when I had left. My mom was weeping in a chair, Mrs. Everdeen pacing back and forth, mumbling incoherent things.

I turned to my mom, who looked at me pleadingly. "I just don't know what to do. She was fine one moment and started freaking out the next. I can't calm her down however hard I try."

Turning back to Mrs. Everdeen I realized she was hysterical. Pulling on her hair and stomping like a child. I had no idea what would be a good thing to do at the moment. Stepping towards her, I placed my hand on her should to stop her from pacing.

"Mrs. Everdeen hear me out. Please stop for a second."

At the sound of my voice she completely freaked out screaming that her daughter was going to die the same way. She must have been hallucinating, because neither me or my mom mentioned death or hurt her in any way.

"No. No. You won't take everyone,"  Mrs. Everdeen screams, before charging out of the room as I stand there dumbfounded. I have no idea what to do. If I chase her down, she will think someone is after her even more, but I can't let her get hurt.

After what seems like hours of pondering, I head out, watching Mrs. Everdeen from afar. All I could do was hope she doesn't get herself into trouble before I get her home.


I updated, finally! I know it's short, but I'll have the second part up by the end of the week.

I hope this didn't disappoint anyone. If it did please tell me. I'd be glad to hear any criticism that isn't about me not uploading. Thanks!

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