Chapter 15

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Characters and plot owned by Suzanne Collins!


Chapter 15

“Does anyone want to trade my loaf of bread?”

“I’ve got fresh eggs!”

“Over here! This is the best cheese you will find!”

The chatter of the hob was endless. Everyone was shouting offers at each other, trying to persuade people to buy or trade with them. It’s buzzing was comfortable and completely natural to me. Nobody even looked my way anymore. My presence wasn’t only usual, it wasn’t something that went unnoticed, because after all this time it was expected, just like people expected Greasy Sae to be selling her stew, Darius to be roaming the streets trying to find someone to joke with… still nobody looked my way and it was comfortable.

As soon as I entered into the area of the Hob were I usually spent my time, my body visibly calmed down, relaxed. It had been this way ever since I was six and my father started bringing me with him to make the most out of the money he had made working in the mines. He would always explain what was worth the money or trade the owners were asking for and what wasn’t. He taught me who to trade from and who to completely ignore. He made me spend time with the people who were now some of my closest friends. He was the reason that I was so comfortable in the Hob, which by now had become a replica of my home. Of course I would never look at it the same way I looked at the woods, but it was as close to my heart deep down as anything could get besides my family and the woods.

Back then my father would stand behind me with a hand on my shoulder as he watched me try to make a deal from time to time. There were even times when he would set people up and tell them to trick me on purpose. Those were the days that I went home ashamed, only to see him come home with a bag full of goodies, and now I missed those days.

I missed the days when he would lead me out of school, because we had to do “family things” and bring me to the Hob. I missed the days Katniss and I would fall in here laughing as we quickly tossed our school bags down and began trading. I missed everything that I couldn’t have. I felt as if my world was slowly falling apart, but I also wasn’t going to let this stop me...


“Gale what do you have today?” Hector asked me peering into my game bag. He was one of the people my father had taught me not to trust, thought he was someone to make good trades with.

“The usual.” I answered him shortly, nit giving him any ideas. “What have you got?”

“I’ve got a jug of milk today!” He told me proudly and I couldn’t help but force a smile.

“Great, I’ll trade you.” I told him holding out a rabbit.

“Oh, no. Dear! This is fresh. I’d have to be crazy to trade you for that!” He announced shaking his head.

“This is fresh too! It’s about as fresh as meat can get!” I responded, knowing he wouldn’t have a comeback.

“Oh, alright… I guess it wouldn’t hurt.” He sighed handing me the jug.

“Thanks Hector.” I replied shortly, trying to get away. Even though nobody had bugged me about what had happened in the festive here yet, Hector was stupid enough to bring it up.

“Wait! I have to ask ya something!” He called after me, and I groaned.

“Yes?” I asked him urging myself to stay calm.

“Did ya see the fetival?” He asked me smugly.

“I did.” I told him taking a deep breath.

“And? What’d ya think?” He questioned.

“I don’t want to talk about it right now.” I snapped, frustrated with him.

“Come on. It helps to discuss things!” He continued.

“But I don’t want to talk about it!” I snapped again.

“Gale, you’re killing me. I need to know this boy!” He tried.

“I. Don’t. Want. To. Talk. About. It!” I repeated.

“Tell me!” He answered with the same force before Darius cut in.

“Stop! The boy doesn’t want to talk about it! Take your meat and get going!” Darius commanded him, using his peacekeepers authority.

“I’m going!” Hector muttered as he set off and I released a sigh.

“Thanks Darius.” I whispered. Wow, I was thanking people a lot today.

“You’re welcome Gale. So what was this all about?” He asked me carefully, studying my expression which I worked to keep hidden.

“Not much. He asked he a question that I just didn’t want to answer.” I cleared up quickly.

“Ah. I think we all know what it was about.” He teased pushing my shoulder, as I clenched my jaw and nodded.

“Don’t worry. It’ll all work out. Everyone here knows you love Katniss and she loves you. She’s just too blind to notice!” Greasy Sae added from behind, earning a scowl from me.

“I bet even your parents noticed by now.” Darius continued his teasing. “Maybe even Prim and Rory have noticed. Are they here?” I shook my head no in reply. “Then let’s go down to your house and ask them!” He advised cheerfully.

“NO!” I screamed at him as he burst out laughing.

“It’s okay. The two of you will admit it sooner or later!” He laughed.

“I’ve already admitted it.” I pointed out.

“Yep, cause you’re a real softy. Why can’t you just tell her though? You don’t have to wait for the perfect moment. Just blurt it out, like I will now. I’m in love with you Ranielle.” Darius told us now completely serious directing his words to the girl standing behind Greasy Sae.

“You’re kidding right?” Greasy Sae questioned him smiling from the shock. I could only get the feeling she knew something we didn’t.

“Nope.” He told her with a smile.

“I love you too.” Ranielle whispered smiling as I faked a smile too. Why could everything end up well for  everyone else besides me?


The end is kind of a twist, but I guess it's harmless. :P Sorry for not uploading so long...

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