Chapter 17- Part 1

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The characters, story and plot are owned by Suzanne Collins! I do not own anything!


Chapter 17

After what felt like months it was finally time of the whole world to know the training results. This was one of the most important parts of the “pre-games” as some people called it. This would determine the enemies, establish the final list of people who needed to be feared and sign off the first batch of tributes. It also set the careers even more against every tribute that makes a score higher than them. This airing was going to be a part of the most important minutes of our lives.

To tell you the truth I didn’t expect Katniss to get a higher score than an 8. If she showed off her shooting skills than maybe she had a chance to get 10 points. I wasn’t going to hope for any higher scores. I didn’t know what to expect from the others. I guess Thresh and the careers would get high points, Rue and the others would get pretty low points and then there was Peeta from who we didn’t know what to expect.

The so called show was supposed to start just as I got back from hunting. Sweaty and tired I dropped onto the couch and waited for the horrible crackling to start. I just hoped we wouldn’t have to listen to one of President Snows kind  speeches again.

“The electricity is already on!” My mom called from the kitchen, who was using this rare period to cook on the stove. She actually liked the Games at these times, but only because there weren’t any electricity shortages during the airings. She called them the ‘safest times of survival’ and she was right. At least at these times we wouldn’t freeze or starve to death. It was the time after the end that was crucial.

“Then the results should be revealed soon!” Ms. Everdeen called as she walked into the room looking calmer and happier than I had seen her in a while. She was really starting to get better. I could tell that she was making an effort to stay out of depression and think as positively as she could.

“Can we watch?” Rory slowly asked my mom as they ate breakfast. I knew he was hoping he wouldn’t have to get down on his knees and beg for her to say yes, though knowing him, he would.

“Well—” My mom started before Ms. Everdeen cut in, being cooler than my mom was at these times. It was part of the change that she was going through… She seemed to loosen up a bit and was a lot more carefree than before. I could finally see her coming back.

“Sure, it couldn’t do you any harm! I mean you’ll only see 24 numbers show up next to the tributes names.” She told them as she made room for Rory to sit next to her and patted her lap, indicating that she wanted Prim to sit there. Prim made a face that made me and my brother burst out laughing, but she did as her mother had asked. Of course you would have to ignore the fact that she was grimacing the whole time. Ms. Everdeen didn’t seem to notice though… or maybe she just didn’t want to.  

Suddenly the screen went blue and Caesar Flickerman came onto the screen, dressed completely in the same shade of blue. He could have blended in completely if it hadn’t been for his face and black hair. He was also looking around like he was lost. I laughed at the sight of him and everyone turned to see what was so funny. Even my mom came running in, leaving the food unattended, which was unlike her. Prim yelped in surprise when she glanced up, since this time, there had been no crackling. Sadly by the time they had noticed the background had been replaced with the seal of Panem and Caesar had composed himself.

When the TV had turned on and skipped to the games silently. In my anticipation of maybe seeing Katniss, I hadn’t even noticed. I could only hear the loudness of my own worrying thoughts.

“Welcome to the 74th Hunger Games annual training scores reveals. You must keep in mind that as always we will only show the scores and nothing from the actual training. If we did show these sessions we would ruin any tactics the tributes have, ensuring ourselves a year without surprises!” He informed us cheerfully, while I groaned. Why was everyone so obsessed with surprises? Couldn’t just one thing made out to be obvious? It would sure make our lives easier if we knew what to expect.

“As we know the tributes will then talk about their reactions to the scores, tell us a little about their private lives and try to push their way into our hearts during the interviews. We hope all the residents of Panem will join us for that tomorrow. The airing will start at about the same time.” He paused, waiting for the information to sink in and I jotted it down next to the TV. I wouldn’t miss any chances to watch Katniss, my one and only true love.


Since I don't have the book I need your help before I can finish the chapter. I know that Katniss got 11 points, but can you please help me with the ther scores? I'll upload the second half as soon as possible, when I get the scores.

Please tell me what you think! Sorry it's so short!


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