Chapter 1

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Huger Games Trilogy book 1 from Gale's point of view. You should be able to read it even if you haven't read the books!!

Plot and characters owned by Suzanne Collins.

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Copyrighted- Hunger Games fanfiction!



Chapter 1(edited)- The Reaping

I woke to the chattering of birds just before dawn like usual, but today wasn't a usual day. Today was the day of the reaping. The day Katniss and I might be chosen to fight to our death for the entertainment of others. Well more like the entertainment of the citizens of the Capitol. They are crazy people who paint their bodies and hair different colors, pierce their bodies all over and party whenever possible. Or that's at least what we learn and see. The gullible people will fall for any romance story, and support the people they like the most in the games by giving them money. This is very important because if your in trouble this money is what is used to send you whatever you need by a little sliver parachute.

I ran to get my tessare the help I get once every month besides the illegal hunting I do with Katniss. Do to this tessare I had so many tickets in that bowl that it would take all the luck in the world for me not to get chosen but I didn't think of that. I thought about the wonderful day that Katniss and I would be able to spend together before the reaping, before our doom begins.

I quickly got dressed and headed towards the woods before any of my siblings could wake up. If they found me I was sure I wouldn't be able to escape their grasp. The luckiest thing would be Rory waking cause then I would just have to take him with me to shut up. Now if it was Posy...

I couldn't wait to enter the peaceful hideout my best friend and I shared. It was the only place we could share our thoughts about the Capitol, the only place where I could truly be myself. I had met Katniss there 5 years ago. She was 11 and I was 13. Our fathers had just died in a mine explosion and the woods were my only chance to survive. As I found out they were her only chance too.

** Flashback**

 After tons of hard work that week I had finally set up all the snares I could over the area I dared to roam. The only thing I had to do now was check them. After the death of my father in a mine accident I was left to take care of my family and I would do what I could. My mother was already taking on 2 jobs so I had to give my share. 

I ran around checking the snares early in the morning every day before school. Nobody was ever around here and I enjoyed the silence of the woods. Well as silent as it would get. The day after getting my fathers award for his work this silence faded. An unnatural loudness was carried by the wind. A normal person would never have realized this but to me it immediately meant and extra sole was in the woods.

Soon enough I found a girl examining one of my snares, like she was trying to pry the rabbit out of it. Her brown hair was pulled back into a braid and her gray eyes pierced into mine. I had seen her before. At the banquet in fact. Her father had also died in the accident, but that wasn't what caught my eye. It was the fact that she already had a squirrel hooked to her belt and a bow and arrow was slung across her shoulder. I had only wished I had one of those.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing? What's your name? "  I screamed at her.

"Katniss," she had whispered, but I had heard Catnip.

My answer came out harsher than I had meant. "Catnip, stealing is punishable with death!"

Her voice was now no louder than the rustling of the tree's, "I was just looking!"

"Than where'd you get that?" I motioned to the squirrel.

"Shot it!"

That's where our close relationship started.

** End of flashback**

 We have so much in common it's scary. We both have families to keep alive, siblings that we protected with all our might and mothers that we love. We both have dark brown hair, smoky gray eyes and personalities that match. People call us cousin because we spend so much time together. Since we have met we haven't left each others side except when we were at home or in school. I know Katniss inside out, love her. Without Katniss I don't know how I would survive!

As I entered the woods I felt my body relax as one would when they arrive home. The familiar smell of pine and oak filled my nose and I heard the usual rustle of leaves. I was at our log now and I settled in to wait for Katniss, letting the woods take over all my feelings and thoughts...

As soon as Katniss arrived we quickly checked all the snares, picked some strawberries, and shot a few squirrels. Than we settled in to enjoy the meal our families had provided for us to enjoy. Prim even sent some goat cheese with was very rare since she could almost never get it right.


The time went by too fast. Before we knew it we were heading home to get dressed and attend the event that hold us in fear, and for the first time now Prim and Rory would also be attending. If one of them got chosen that would wreak us, but luckily they don't even have a chance to be pulled from that big bowl!

The square was already crowded by the time we got there. Katniss and I exchanged reassuring looks and quickly hugged before we parted, joining our spots among the other villagers. People pressed their bodies into mine, staring at me from all sides. The girls had longing, worried looks on, the guy's were full of jealousy and some panic. Most of them had gone pale, as Effie Trinket the district representative and the mayor walked onto the stage. The mayor and Effie who had now died her hair pink gave their usual speeches. Of course Effie didn't forget her sacred line that I usually picked on back in the woods. "May the odds be ever in your favor!" 

"And let the reaping officially begin!" That was the last line said before my world fell apart, before I was uncontrollable.

 The 2 large bowls were rolled out into the middle of the stage. All I could think about was that a1/4th of the boys bowl was probably filled with my name and that one little piece of paper with Rory's. Then I saw the girls bowl and immediately my eyes searched for Katniss. We found each other at the same time and I shot her a reassuring smile. Just don't let it be Rory or Katniss! 

I didn't even think to worry about Prim, but I was wrong.

As Effie Trinkets hand searched through the girls bowl my nerves bounced up and down. Not Katniss, not Katniss! Please don't be Katniss!  Finally she grasped one and waited for emphasis before reading the name.

"Primrose Everdeen!"

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