Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Arriving at the fence, I very well knew it was still charged from the humming, but still decided to ram myself against it. It was a bad way, but it was a way to bring me back to my senses. I had to make sure I wans't dreaming, that this wasn't some nightmare. Some part of me was hoping that Katniss' hand would reach out and grab me before my shoulder crashed into its target. Instead I felt the shock burn through my shoulder, and whole side, I felt as if I wasn't even in my own body anymore. Pain seared through all my body parts, even ones that hadn't contacted the fence. I collapsed onto the ground, a large gash leading down my arm from the hit, my back still pressed up against the fence. Blood oozed from the cut and my back burned, but it wasn't anything compared to the mental pain I was feeling.

How could Peeta admit to loving Katniss in a place like that? Why would he do it? It wasn't like he had a chance of living a happy life together with her. We'd be happy if any one of them would make it out alive. Actually I'd only be happy if Katniss made it out alive. Katniss was my life. Without her I don't even know where I would be. She was the one who kept hope in me and she's the one girl I love. If I lost her, I would end up more heartbroken than anyone in District 12 has ever been. I spent year getting to know her, years together with her. I knew her better than anyone else ever would, and now my future with her was ruined.

If it wasn't for those stupid peacekeepers she would know I love her. If they would have just given me a few seconds more... There were so many things that could have gone differently, so much differently. I couldn't even bear to think about the fact.

I couldn't believe I had forgotten Peeta was the blond guy who kept staring at Katniss. Whenever he saw her, his gaze never left her face. It was as if he was trying to memorize it. Earlier I had already had a feeling he liked her, but could never confirm my suspicion. He stayed far enough, that I couldn't barge up to him and ask him about it.

With a jolt the power went out, causing me to jump from the ground at the shock. I was starting to get used to the pain. Quickly I crawled into the woods, running to the log where Katniss and I kept our hunting gear. Out of reflex I grabbed Katniss's bow and arrow, ready to toss them to her, only to remember she wasn't there. Feeling stupid for forgetting I hugged them to myself. This was one of the only things I had left of her.

Soon I couldn't help it. I was hunched over bawling my eyes out. I missed my best friend too much to stay strong, even though I had promised to. The only thing that comforted me, was that nobody saw how broken I was. That nobody would use this against me as my weakness.

After a while I finally pulled myself together, getting to my feet. I slung the bow and arrow over my shoulder and headed into the woods. I didn't know if I wanted to hunt or not, but I knew I was going to discover a new area today. The ones I already knew held too many memories of my times with Katniss.

Trudging to the woods, I felt a wave of insecurity pass through me as I heard an unusual bristling of the leaves. My eyes quickly found the culprit though, one lonely deer. Pulling the bow and arrow from my back I quickly shot it right in the heart. It wasn't even close to as clean as Katniss would pull off, shooting the animal in the eye, but it wasn't bad either.

Heading over to retrieve the animal, I found something I had never seen before though. It was a small device, placed onto the head of the deer. Just by looking at it I knew it was something the capitol would put on the deer, so I pushed it off the deers head with a stick and stepped on it, making sure it was broken enough to where it was unrecognizable. I knew I could have taken it and observed it, but it was safer this way. Who knew how low the capitol would swoop. If they found out Katniss hunted in the woods the whole place could be under surveillance.

When I was sure I wasn't leaving anything behind that could give me away, I put the deer in my game bag and headed to the hob. I was hoping it would be a place where nobody would be living themselves into Katniss and Peetas new-found love story.

Arriving at the hob, Hector immediately rushed up to me, tears flowing from his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for your loss," he cried, and I had no clue what he was talking about. Nobody was sick in my family or Katniss' so I hadn't lost any of my family members. The only person gone was Katniss and even she is still alive.

"We know how much you loved her, anyone can see it in your eyes. She loved you while she was here, I can promise you that." Greasy Sae added, also in tears.

"She was a nice girl, but I can't believe she's doing such a thing after leaving." Hector continued.

"She loved you, she loved you," Greasy Sae mumbled.

"Please tell me you told each other before she left," Hector sighed.

I couldn't take not knowing what they were talking about any more.

"What's going on here?" I questioned.

"We're talking about Peeta and Katniss the star crossed lovers. Didn't you hear?" Hector asked in confusion.

"She loves you, she loves you," Greasy Sae continued to mumble, as if trying to confirm it to herself.

"I heard, but since when are they star crossed lovers? Peeta just admitted his feelings. And why are you talking about them like they aren't alive anymore?" I sighed, pushing my hand through my hair in confusion.

"After he admitted it, Caesar called them the star crossed lovers," (I don't know if that's what happened so I will pretend it was.) Hector recalled, bursting back into tears.


"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you," He cried even harder.

"I just can't believe I lost her at such a time, I really do love her," I told him, tears now trickling down my cheek.

"She loves you, she loves you," Greasy Sae now said more forcefully.

"I hope she does, because I love her with all my heart," I agreed.

"We talked about them in past tense, because we don't want to get our hopes up on them living through the games," Hector answered my previous question. The answer was like a bullet being shot through my heart. It hurt more than I expected it to. I knew very well that Katniss might not ever come back to me, but hearing someone else say it affected me more than it should have.

"Trade this for me, I'm going home," I whispered, throwing the deer to the ground before exiting the hob. With quick strides I made my way home. Mrs. Everdeen and Prim would most likely need comforting and at the moment I felt as if comforting others would allow me to forget about my own pain for a little while.


I know this is 4 days late, but I wasn't sure what to write. I know it's not long, but I felt that I had already incluided enough crying in one chapter. The next chapter will also be sad and it will be written more form my imagination that the original book, but soon I will get to the games and then the interesting parts will start to come. I hope this chapter isn't too bad and that I atleast lived up to your expectations.

If you have time please read my new story Overcoming Life. It's more personal then anything I've written before and would really like to know what you think!


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