Chapter 4

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Oh and please help me out! Gale's siblings names are Rory, Posey and whats the other little boys name?

Character and plot owned by Suzanne Collins!


Chapter 4

I came here hoping the chattering of the birds, rusting of the leaves and just the overall calmness of the woods would help me relax but it just made things worse. Almost everything reeked of memories with Katniss. The log we usually sit in, the rock we hide out "weapons" behind, the songs the jabber jays sang, the splashing of the water.... Everything reminded me of Katniss. Of how we thought we could be safe here in our woods. Of how we promised to be forever friends here. Everything burnt the hole that had formed inside of me on. I could just go ahead and name that invisible, but giant hole Missing Katniss!

Tears burned my eyes and I knew sooner or later I would have to let them fall. They would overwhelm me if I kept them in too long. Something that I had already experienced before when my father died. Instead of crying awake when I could be comforted I cried in my sleep from the result of nightmare after nightmare.

 I still chose to cry later though. If I let it take over me that would just prove I was no different than any other boy, person and I had worked hard to seem stronger... Instead I went around punching trees and leaving dents in them, shooting jabber jays while willing their songs to end, kicking dirt hoping it could just cover me up and knocking into logs wishing they could hide me forever. I felt hopeless. The worst feeling on earth besides heartbreak but I haven't felt that before so it was nothing for me to worry about. It would be though if that stupid Mellark kid makes a move! I should have volunteered. Than Katniss would be safe. I would at least know that!

50 dead jabber jays, 5 punctured trees and 1 very scared rabbit later I fell to the ground exhausted. Now the tears I had been holding back were falling and I wasn't doing anything to prevent it. I felt as if I was weak. No stronger than Ms. Everdeen falling into that state of depression again. Without Katniss I felt as if my fire, the fire that had kept me alive had faded. Gone, just like that in seconds. Leaving me empty, no better than anyone in the Capitol.

I wasn't going to let that though! If Katniss saw me like this she would be ashamed of choosing me to be her friend and that was out of the question. I  would pull myself together and protect both of our families like I promised! I would do my part while she would do hers.

With that I gathered all my courage and headed back to my house ready to face what was ahead of me. I was going to cheer Prim up, bring Ms. Everdeen out of her depression and make extra money so I can help Katniss out! By no means would I ever feel weak again!


Before I went back to the house I went by the train station just to catch Katniss leaving. Her eyes were searching the crowd. I quickly waved to her and she shot me a reassuring smile that meant everything would be fine, but before I could reply the train pulled away.


Back at the house I was attacked by a mob of people. Mom, Rory and Prim immediately came rushing to me to see if I was ok. The mayor, his daughter Madge, Greasy Say and many other people were voicing how sorry they were that we had to suffer from this loss and promised to help with as much money as they could afford. Each also asked for a private word with me later because I told them I had to speak to Prim and Rory.

"Hey Prim." I called.

"Hi." she answered obviously trying to hide how sad she was.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

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