Chapter 10

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I just wanted to thank you guys for getting me on the What's Hot list!

Also this is the first chapter I have written that I actually recognize as a filler... I think it was important for me to show you some more on Gale's relationship with his family but I need your opinions.

I hope it turned out okay.

Please vote and comment!


Character and plot owned by Suzanne Collins!


Chapter 10

I took care of Ms. Everdeen till my mother got home sending glances at the clock every 5 minutes hoping I would be able to watch the reaping again. The only thing my mind seemed to be able to focus on was the ticking of the clock. -tick-tock-tick-tock- Every sound meant I was that much closer to seeing Katniss again, still safe and herself. It was probably also the last time I would see her like this for a while. I wasn't going to miss my chance!

The time was passing to slowly. By my calculations the re run should be at about 7:30, till then it was my count down and the endless wait for my mother. I felt like I was going crazy. I couldn't make myself care about anything besides a set that doesn't even work most of the time. What was happening to me?


Around six I made dinner for the children and Ms. Everdeen, using the opportunity to check on my sibling and Prim. The funny thing was that they were doing exactly as they were told! Not one of them had disobeyed me and as I entered the room they came running up to me.

"Who was at the door Gale?" Rory asked almost tackling me to the ground.

"Is the person still here?" Vick questioned from behind him.

"Why did they come?" Came Prim's voice from behind the two boys.

And finally Posey's soft voice came last. "Is everything okay?"

I waved them all off. "You guys don't need to know everything. Your brains will fill up much to fast and you won't have room for the important things!"

They all groaned while Rory started telling me off.

"Just so you know Gale our brains can never 'fill up' and also we have every right to know who was or is in our house! We might be younger than you are but even you don't qualify as an adult! If mom hadn't put you in charge I would have stormed in the kitchen almost instantly! YOU CANNOT HIDE THINGS FROM US! Especially not now!"

"Alright Rory, calm down! I'll talk to mom about it when she gets home and if she lets me tell you I will!" I shushed him. I already had so much on my mind; I didn't need Rory to add another problem to my stack.

"Fine!" He huffed as the other 3 tried to pull him down into the chair where I had directed them.

"You can eat your dinner in here today!" I said while handing them each a plate with bread and cheese on it and a cup of milk. Rory stared at the food blankly.

"wha- what happened to all the food you got today?" He asked. "I thought we were going to have a dinner that's the size of our usual breakfast, lunch and dinner combined. This is just a little more than what we normally get!"

"I know Rory but if we ate it all now we wouldn't have any left for later! Don't be greedy!" I scolded him causing him to frown.

"Yeah, whatever!" He called to my back before diving into the plate of food like he hadn't eaten in days. It was nice to finally get enough food to fully fill our stomachs not just tame our hunger and keep us healthy, and that was with me hunting. Imagine the other families out there. I wasn't surprised that so many people starved to death.

When I returned to the kitchen I gave Ms. Everdeen dinner too and ate my own. The fresh bread to me was like candy to the children in the capitol. It was simply wonderful, and this time we could eat the whole loaf without having to worry about what we would eat tomorrow.


By the time my mother got home it was already 7 o'clock. Her hair was messed up and her clothes were dirtier than ever. I was definite that she had had a hard day. She just grabbed herself something for dinner and collapsed on a chair in the kitchen. She didn't even realize Ms. Everdeen sitting in front of her.

"Hey Mom, how was your day?" I greeted her.

"It was fine, now spit it out. What do you want?" She answered harshly. So she had noticed my nervousness.

"Well, as you can see Ms. Everdeen came over today and I wasn't sure if I could tell the others about her."

"Oh, hello Thalia!" She said smiling at Ms. Everdeen before turning back to me. (I decided on the name because it means flowering.) "Well she seems perfectly fine to me. Why wouldn't you tell Prim her mother is here?" She asked confused. This time I was lucky enough not to have to answer her.

"I think Gale chose better not revealing me Hazel! You see I still fall into my periods of depression! I came over for your and Gale's help."  Ms. Everdeen explained.

"You're always welcome here! I still think it would be best if we told the children though, and since it's getting late you should stay the night Thalia."

"No, I couldn't!"

"I insist! You are not stepping out of this house tonight." My mom pushed, smiling. She already knew she had won this round. Ms. Everdeen let out a sigh.

"You got me Hazel." My mother was about to reply when I interrupted.

"I know you don't want Posey and Vick to watch anything that has to do with the games but the reaping is going to be replayed tonight and I really wanted to watch it. Can you call them out of the room?"

"Actually I think they'll have to watch it too this time. I wasn't able to see it this morning so I was hoping to be able to watch it tonight." She answered me.

"Oh, no! That won't be needed! I would gladly watch the younger children! I don't want to see the reaping again. Not ever!" Ms. Everdeen told us, and so mom, Rory, Prim and I settled in to watch the reaping while Ms. Everdeen, Vick and Posey decided to play in the kitchen.

For the second time today I saw the seal of Panem flash on the screen, but this time the reapings didn't start immediately. They started with a message from the Capitol.


Next chapter will be the beggining of what you have all been waiting for!

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