Chapter 8

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 I am sorry about Chapters 5 & 6! They didn't really turn out the way I wanted them too. I don't exactly like them.

The story starts getting more interesting from here!

I hope you like it!


Character and plot owned by Suzanne Collins!


Chapter 8

Arriving in front of our house made what I had done seem like a nightmare. Posey was standing in the door with a look of worry plastered on her. She just watched us expectantly as if we were going to apologize to her for enjoying ourselves without her but before we could say or do anything she turned around and stormed into the house. She rushed straight into my mother's arms who wore the same look on her face next to the one of shock which was probably from the fact that I was 'happy'.

"Do you realize how worried Posey and I were when Rory and Prim didn't arrive home around the usual time you drop them off Gale?" She asked me before continuing on to the worst part that made all of us horribly guilty. "Posey waited in the window for you to come home and when you didn't get here within a 15 minute span of your usual arrival she started crying that you left us. You should have seen her, and then Vick started crying too..." She trailed off not finishing her sentence while almost bursting into tears.

Confused I quickly answered her. "No mother I didn't. We just quickly dropped by the Hob to collect a few things you see and I thought since we left school earlier than usual, we would arrive at the same time. I am very sorry!"

"Actually it was our fault we didn't get here when we usually do Ms. Hawthorne because Rory and I wouldn't let Gale into the Hob right away." Prim told my mother.

"Yes, we kept questioning him since we weren't sure it was safe for him to go in. It was most likely our fault not Gale's that we didn't get home on time. We are truly sorry that we worried you!" Rory agreed with Prim.

My mother sighed accepting the fact. "Alright it's fine but let us know next time."

"We will mother! Oh, here's the stuff from the Hob," I told her showing her the bag grinning as she gaped at it. Never had it been so full before.

"How did you get all this?" She asked still staring at the bag.

"I was just really mad one day in the woods but never mind that! There is also some left over money." I told her while giving her the left over gold. It wasn't much, only enough for a few days of bread but combined with my mother's small salary for being a maid in a few houses it was more than we had ever had.

"Gale--" she started, but I just shook my head, handed her the bag and pushed Rory and Prim into 'living room' if you could call it that and we dumped out our books onto the floor starting the pile of homework we had gotten.

After less than 5 minutes Vick who had just started school since he was 8 years old, (That's the age that I remember from the books correct me if I'm wrong please!) came prancing into the room with his book bag and stuck it into my face.

"Gale! Momma said you have to check my homework today since she has to go to work after dinner because she didn't have time to finish all the houses. I told her I'd come home alone from school but she came and got me anyway! I should have just stayed and watched the other reapings with you!" He fussed at great speed.

"Okay, I'll check it later just put it there," I said pointing at a random spot. "Also she is right you are too young to watch the reaping!"

"I AM NOT TOO YOUNG!" He screamed. I just nodded at him pretending he was right while lapsing back into my world of numbers, definitions, passages and notes to memorize. My mind blocked everything and everyone out like it does occasionally and I enjoyed the peace.

After a while I even let my mind wonder to the fact to Katniss. I wondered what the train ride was like, how she was treating her to be enemies, who she was talking to, if Haymitch was helping at all and most importantly I tried to figure out what they would make her wear for the opening festival. Of course I also wondered about her training, and what she was eating... But what they were going to make her wear and do on that first live meeting with the citizens was very important. Her future in the arena could depend on this. Every year District 12 looked the worst out of all the others. Year after year they wore black potato sack like dresses to look like the coal or like one year just go naked while covered in some kind of black powder. It makes our District look like a joke. Of course the vegetable District 11, or the fishing net District 4 doesn't usually look much better but at least they always wear clothing! This was the first true step into getting sponsors. It was important to make a good first impression. Then later would come the training points, the interview and finally the game itself. They were all very crucial to a tributes life in the arena. I wouldn't be able to stand it if Katniss had to have a harder job then the rest because of some very smart stylist.

I was still lapsed deep in thought when someone knocked on the door hard and 4 children came running to me for protection. When I didn't exactly react one of them flung themselves at me with all their might bringing me back to the real world.

"AAH! What was that for?!" I screamed at the person on top of me. Rory burst out laughing and climbed off.

"Somebody is at the door!" Posey explained.

"It might be more than one person!" Vick chimed in.

"Well whoever it was they definitely are strong!" Prim added.

"Or they just have a big fist!" Rory said still laughing.

"Alright I'll go check, just stay here!" I told them while heading to the door. As soon as I saw who was standing there my mouth dropped. It couldn't be her!

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