Chapter 17- Part 2

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Plot and characters owned by Suzanne Collins!


Chapter 17- Part 2

“Now let’s let the score reveals begin…”

We watched scores flash and disappear, but none of them were big deals. Of course like usual District 1 got high scores. Glimmer had gotten 10 points and Marvel had gotten 9. Immediately after I tensed waiting for the scores of District 2, which were the most important next to Katniss’, but instead they showed a clip of District 1 celebrating the high scores. People screamed things that weren’t understandable into the screen for a while, before they moved on.

Cato and Clove both got scores of 10 which were followed by clips of fireworks, people screaming and tons of people waving rings at the screen. I could only wonder what message they were trying to send to the tributes, though we couldn’t even be sure they were seeing these new parts.

District 3 and 4 got average scores of 4’s and 5’s which wasn’t surprising and was also followed with noticeably less cheering.

Bertille the girl who I decided to call Foxface since her name was so confusing got 7 points, and I assumed she had shown some kind of clever way of stealing or done something with her speed. Her partner and the other tributes from then on got average scores, and celebrations weren’t even shown from any of the districts after District 4.

When we got to District 11 I was completely shocked. I watched Thresh’s score awaiting something close to what the careers got. He ended up with a 6, which was better than the average, but not even close to what I expected from him. I thought he would get at least a 9. After seeing his score I relaxed a bit, but I knew better than to underestimate him with his giant size. I had to hope Katniss knew better too. Then Rue’s score was shown who I assumed would also get something close to what Thresh had gotten. Instead she got 7 points. I could only wonder about what she had done to get a score higher than Thresh.

Next came Peeta’s score, who must have baked them a cake to achieve his 8. I mean, maybe he could lift a few weights after carrying all those shacks of flour, but I knew he wasn’t talented at anything besides hand decorating his family’s little muffins and cake’s at the bakery. I couldn’t help but laugh at my thoughts. One second I hated him with all my gut and the next I was making fun of him being unlucky enough to be born into a baker family, though somewhere deep down I knew it was the place he was meant to be. He was meant to be working in a bakery painting, and decorating the baked goods, while I was meant to hunt, work in the seam…

 The last one surprised everyone. Mom, Mrs. Everdeen, Prim, Rory and I stared at the screen in shock. We even got a clip of Caesar staring at the board with his jaw dropped way down. Katniss had gotten 11 points. It was probably the highest score anyone had ever gotten during the training and I was proud, that it was my best friend who had gotten it. Of course I would never tell her I was astonished. I would probably tell her that there was still room for improvement, because nobody can relax saying that they have done good enough, and knowing her it would be important to her at the moment and by the next day she would probably have forgotten all about it. Immediately after the interviews the next day she would focus on training for the games, just like the other tributes. Then it would be into the arena, and the death games would begin.


Thank you for the help with the scores! I hope the chapter turned out fine!

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