Chapter 20- Part 2

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Chapter 20-Part 2

Eventually I found Mrs. Everdeen sitting in front of the mines entrance just staring at the coal. It was in that moment that I realized why she was hallucinating. Her husband and my dad were taken by the capital in a way. No one ever knew what caused the accident that killed them and we would always be wondering.  The capital and District 12 had already killed her once, in the coal mine and now they were doing it again with the Hunger Games. If anyone she was one of the people who experienced the cruelty of the capital over and over again. They were killing her off piece by piece. She finally built herself up, just to be broken down again. 

Slowly I walked up to her and sat down a few feet away. We sat there in silence starting at the coal that was ruining our lives. A black rock capable of wreaking everything. I have never hated anything as much as I hated the coal at that moment. 

After a while I smashed one to the ground in rage. If it wasn't for this rock, if the district had another way to get energy my father could still be alive. Katniss could still be here. We might not be suffering so much. 

Mrs. Everdeen looked up at me after studying the crushed coal and smiled. A genuine smile came across her face and it honestly meant the world. If Mrs. Everdeen could smile we would get through this. 

She got up and smashed a coal too before pulling me into a hug. 

"We can hate the coal all we want, it wont bring them back.." She whispered, sadly, the smile fading.

"I know. Katniss is strong though, if anyone she'll pull something big. She wont even know what she did."

"You're probably right. She'll do something so different she'll change the whole capital without even knowing what she did."

"She might just blow the whole arena up."

"I wouldn't put it past her," Mrs. Everdeen laughed starting to head home. 

We ended up going home in silence, parting ways before our houses. I felt a little better knowing the old Mrs. Everdeen was coming back.


Weeks later we sat in front of the TV waiting for the Hunger Games to start. I was trembling from fear hoping Katniss wouldn't even think about going to the cornucopia.  That was the ultimate death trap. This was the day where most kids died. All I needed was for Katniss to make it through today safely. 

The tributes were each standing on a circle in a field. To one direction there were woods, the other direction was full of tall grass. In the middle of everything there was the giant cornucopia the capital kids immediately made a run for. The cameras were focused on them  as they pushed, shoved, hit and killed anyone in there way. Katniss was no where to be found which made me worried. Was she already dead?

After about 20 minutes they finally showed the others, short clips of them running in various directions. I couldn't have been happier to see Katniss running at full speed with a backpack. She even managed to get supplies. Her strength always managed to surprise me. 

Soon we went back to watching the capital kids making an alliance. Peeta was one of them and it made everyone confused. Why would they need a weak boy from district 12? Why would he even be stupid enough to join them?

The games were different than before and it made everyone want answers.

People in the hob had spent the past few weeks gossiping about Peeta and Katniss. Most people said they were already in love back here and just needed the push to get together. Others said it was just a story Peeta made up so he could be kept alive for the first few days. Maybe it was a way to get sponsors, maybe it was fear making them want support. Not one person thought it was true love. Now we didn't have a clue about what was going on. If they were in a relationship wouldn't they be together?

Peeta was pulling a very interesting trick, who knew what Katniss and the other tributes were doing...

People were going on and on about how the world was changing, people were getting less and less afraid. I wasn't sure what was happening, but I would find out.


So I updated, it's short and I wont make any promises on updating anytime soon. I'm going through too much for me to handle, so we'll see what happens.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2013 ⏰

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