Chapter 5

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I'm not sure the chapter is good, but I hope it's fine!

Don't forget I really need the name of Gale's other brother! (not Rory)

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Character and plot owned by Suzanne Collins!


Chapter 5 (edited)

The next morning I woke to the chattering of the birds like usual, but lay in bed much longer than normally. Yesterday's events kept flashing by in front of me and I wasn't sure if it was real or just a nightmare. Only when I saw Ms. Everdeen and Prim did my worst fears come true. I had not dreamt it all. It had happened!

My resolution echoed in my mind as I got dressed, ready to head into the woods. I thought about the four important things of which I had already achieved two. I would start with Ms. Everdeen after I got back from school, as the first step to my plan with her was to get her to either talk to me or my mom. She shouldn't be keeping her feelings bottled up...

With my backpack thrown over my shoulder and the game bag gripped tight in my hand I set off in the still foggy streets to do my usual morning routine. On my way to the hole in the fence that is suppose to be electrically charge but never is, I passed the hob from where the other villagers up at this time called out their hellos. I waved at them like I do every morning and told them to save something for me too! It wasn't like they would forget since Katniss and I were the only ones they traded with regularly, but it felt better knowing I had reminded them before I set back off into the dark streets.

At the woods I went the usual snare run and used Katniss' bow to shoot a few unlucky rabbits. Katniss usually killed them instantly and neatly by hitting them in the eye and thought I did hit all 5 on the eye 2 of them were still alive when I retrieved them so I had to kill them by hand. My thoughts immediately wondered to what my best friend would say if she saw this.

-Looks like you're losing your special touch Gale!

I winced. I couldn't believe the lack of Katniss was getting to me.

For a while I sat pondering in the woods when a mockingjays tune forced me to head back to the hob only to find that I had finished much earlier than I usually do. I shouldn't have been surprised about this since Katniss and I mess around or just hang out back there before actually heading back in, but I hadn't gotten used to her absence yet. Without her it was just unusually quiet.

I traded the rabbits with Hector an old man who enjoyed stealing bread from the bakery, ran the squirrels to Darius the head peacekeeper for a nice amount of money and gave the birds the Greasy Sae who gave me soup for breakfast. The soup was made of berries, spices and the meat Katniss and I are able to supply Greasy Sae. This time she had used our deer meat which is so hard to chew it occasionally breaks one of the villagers' teeth. I chucked all of it to the side and ate the rest with a sour look on my face that Katniss enjoys making fun of while Greasy Sae rambles on about why we don't eat the meet. The rambling was going on like always but the laughing was absent. It didn't take long for anyone to realize that I wasn't complete without my best friend by my side.

"Come on Gale! What happened to you, boy?" Cried Greasy Sae.

"I'll happily take on the part of Katniss!" Called Darius from over my shoulder. "Give me a wig, some make up, her book bad and were all set."

"No I don't think I want my memories of her being ruined. Now let me up and leave me alone with this constant worry! Everything is fine."I replied to them while getting up and rushing off to school.

"See you later Gale! Don't hook up with some girl now while Katniss is gone!" Screamed Darius after me.

"I wasn't planning to!" I screamed back to him as he started laughing so hard he almost fell out of his chair, which gave me an idea. "Oh, and don't go flirting with every girl in your sight Darius!"

"You know I will Gale!"

"Yeah, sadly we do," said Greasy Sae with a sigh. "Now run along Gale or you'll be late for school!" She said directed towards me.

"I know! I know!" I said and headed for the small battered building we call school.

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