Chapter 6

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 Thank you so much for the names @hangoetz24!

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Character and plot owned by Suzanne Collins!


As soon as I entered the grounds every head turned towards me. The staring wasn't something that bothered me as it happened every day but the looks did. Most of them reflected how sorry people felt for me but others were filled with happiness. The voices of bickering girls came from almost every side as they either pushed their friends forward or pointed and stared. It was probably awkward for everyone to see me step into the building alone, without Katniss by my side. This was the first time in history that the two of us weren't whispering to each other so we could continue our conversation but keep it private at the same time and the girls decided to take advantage of it.

Immediately a group of brunette girls came up to me. They were well fed, wore clean flawless clothes and made it an obvious fact that they came from some of the better families.  As they called it they were 'anti seams'.  The one in the front, most likely the leader of their group came forward.

"Hey Gale! Look we're really sorry about that girl who was chosen---what was her name again?" she asked turning to the other girls.

"Katniss Everdeen!" One of them from the back hissed.

"Yeah, her, but I was wondering if you would----" she continued, but I cut her in half.

"If you're here to ask me to go out with you I'm going to have to say no. There is too much going on for me to get involved in a relationship right now, and even if I was going to get involved you wouldn't be one of my top choices. Sorry." The 'anti seam' girls let out a gasp as I had just rejected one of the 'prettiest' girls in school while excitement filled the eyes of the seam girls thinking that if I had just abandoned the whole 'anti seam' group that meant I had to like them.

"Clueless girls!" muttered Madge under her breath.

"I know right!" I whispered back to her as we headed off to class together. The guys were all giving me jealous stares while deep in conversation but none seemed sad over Peeta being chosen. It was as if they hadn't even realized one from their group had just disappeared and was most likely never going to be seen again. 

Class that day was horrible. All the teachers gave me worried, pained looks throughout their lessons and excused me from all work thinking this was going to make the matters better, but it only made things worse.

 I sat with my usual group of seam guys at lunch who tried to keep a conversation going but I didn't even try to join. I just sat there is silence eating the horrible cheep lunch that the school provided for us. The only good thing in these guys was that they had no means in trying to cheer me up. They just tried to distract me with different things and they used distractions that worked. By the end of lunch I was cracking up just like the rest of them over how utterly stupid the 'anti seams' were.

After lunch we had physical educations in which we were going to watch the others districts reapings. I was planning on analyzing each tribute so I knew what Katniss was going to have to fight but here that was going to be impossible. My only luck was that they would be televising it once more in the evening since some of the other districts lived in different time zones and wouldn't be able to watch.

I watched as all the students crammed themselves into the room waiting so I could enter last and find Prim and Rory. I was sure Prim couldn't take watching her sister volunteering again. It would break her for sure.

As soon as I found them I plopped down next to Prim since there was just enough room for the three of us. The lights were switched off as soon as we all found someplace to sit. In the darkness nobody was sure what to do so we all held our breaths and waited. Soon the only sound in the room was the crackling of the giant TV the Capitol had placed in here as it turned on.

The seal of Panem flashed across its screen and disaster began.

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