The Beginning - Chapter 1

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Huro woke up and looked at the time. His phone said that it was 6:27am. It was the beginning of grade 10. After all his schooling, Huro was not looking forward to the pain he would have to go through that year. Huro got up, exhausted because of lack of sleep. Huro grabbed his school uniform and went to his bathroom to get ready. He got dressed and did his hair in a more decent style, but he still put on his favourite beany. Even though it was summer, he still loved the warmth. After he was finished getting ready, he went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning sweetheart." His dad said as Huro walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning Dad." He replied sleepily.

"Did you not get enough sleep again, baby? You need more sleep if your gonna do super well this year." Daniel walked over to Huro and hugged him. Huro accepted the hug. Daniel pulled back and kissed him on the forehead. Huro sat down at the dining table with a bowl of cereal and a banana. His tablets sat next to a glass of water.

"Dad, is it really necessary to have 11 tablets in the morning?" Huro complained.

"Yes because it keeps you healthy. It's not that big of a deal, you sook." Daniel chuckled.

"Hey!" Huro jokingly shouted.

"I'm only kidding, baby, but please do take them because it will help you stay healthy," Daniel said.

"I will, daddddd," Huro replied. He finished eating and put his dishes in the washing machine.

"Do you need help changing forms?" Daniel questioned.

"I should be fine, Dad, I've done it enough, I think?" Huro replied, going to the main living room where his Papa, Demonic, was. It was a big open space with a really cute fireplace underneath a massive TV with 2 couches surrounding it. On the roof, there was painting's that was about the history of uniting the wolf, vampire, cat and demon kingdoms.

"Good morning, Huro," Demonic said. He had a mug of coffee in his hands, watching some random news on the TV.

"Good morning, Papa. Are you able to help me teleport to school today?" Huro asked.

"Do you really need me? I am sure you can trust your abilities just fine." Demonic replied.

"But, Papaaaaa. What if I freaking teleport in the middle of nowhere and can't get back?" Huro complained.

"You're fifteen and you have had me teach you how to use teleportation nearly all your life. You can do it." Demonic said, looking over at Huro with a reassuring smile.

"Fine," Huro replied. Daniel walked into the main living room and hugged Huro, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Try and stay away from Zack and his friends as much as you can. I'm sure you and your Papa are getting sick and tired of constantly healing you." Daniel let out a sad chuckle.

"I'll try as hard as I can, Dad," Huro reassured. Huro walked to his sister's room. Zila was an 18-year-old demon. She was the oldest and only daughter of Daniel and Demonic. He opened the door to see her getting ready for grade 12.

"Hey, Zila. I'm heading off to school. Grade 10, woooooo." Huro said while rolling his eyes.

"You'll do great. And if Zack does something, I'll come to you and beat the sh*t out of him. But anyway, have a wonderful day bub." Zila walked over to Huro and hugged him. "Please stay safe."

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