The End of the Tyrant's Reign- Chapter 20

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"What's taking Team B so long to kill off all the guards?" Demonic whisper-yelled.

"I don't know. Maybe something is wrong?" Oliver responded.

"I hope not," Logan said. "But I think all the guards are gone. Should I send the signal to everyone?"

"That's risky, if there are more guards, it increases the chance of failure." Oliver looked towards the throne room.

"We need to get this done, Oliver. We don't have time to wait." Demonic told.

Oliver and Logan nodded. Logan telepathically told everyone that it was time. There was a little bit of concern around but everyone did what they were told. Logan teleported everyone to the throne room. Yuin was sitting on the throne, with a smug smile on his face.

"What are you smiling for, can't you see that your guards are nowhere to be found." Demonic taunted. "It's over Yuin."

"Not even calling me Grandad. Such little respect." Yuin clicked his tongue.

"It's because you're not worthy of the title." Demonic growled.

"Such a shame." Yuin shook his head. "How's the mutt? I'm very proud of Oliver for it. However, I see he's joined you. How pitiful, I had such high hopes for him." Everyone looked at Demonic with a sad expression.

"Because of you and Oliver, Daniel is gone! The love of my life is dead because of you and this stupid child!" Demonic yelled. Tears began to form in his eyes.

"Aww, how sad. I quite liked him, he was nice company. Very obedient too." Yuin provoked. "But don't blame me. Blame the child who took his life. Oliver is the cause of all of this."

Demonic turned around to Oliver. Everyone stepped out of the way, causing Oliver to be in plain sight.

"I-I thought you forgave me..." Oliver said as he put his hands up to his chest in surrender.

"I will never forgive you, child. You took my husband's life, and you're lucky I haven't taken yours yet." Demonic growled. Oliver began shaking and backing up slightly.

"Kill him and avenge Daniel," Yuin told darkly. Demonic transformed into his full form. He used his tail to knock over Oliver. Oliver landed on the ground with a grunt, then tried to shuffle away.

"Demonic! Don't you dare hurt him!" Logan called out.

"Papa, I need to do this. I need to do it for Daniel." Demonic replied. Yuin got off the throne and walked to Demonic's side. Demonic held up his sharp, armoured tail just above Oliver's neck, ready to slice his head off.

"Do it..." Yuin whispered into Demonic's ear.

'The plan isn't working... He doesn't care about Oliver...' Demonic thought.


'It's now or never.' Huro thought. He grabbed Zack's shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss. Huro's face heated up.

Zack tried to push the guard away. However, his vision suddenly cleared, he could hear properly again and his body didn't feel extremely hot anymore. It was then that he realised that Huro was kissing him. Zack's eyes went wide and returned to his natural colour. Huro opened his eyes to see if it had worked and stopped the kiss.

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