Numbing Bite - Chapter 15

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"Sire requests our presence. We must leave immediately." Zack said, his voice turning monotone.

"I don't think so..." Huro stood up and backed away. Zack's eyes sharped as he also stood up and followed. Huro's back hit the wall and flicked a panicked glance at Zack's hand that reached for him. He then looked back into Zack's fake red eyes before realising that it was the perfect time to complete the plan.

He grasped onto Zack's arm and pulled Zack down slightly. Standing on his tippy toes, he quickly bit Zack's neck. Zack's eyes went wide and a small hiss could be heard before he seemed to calm down. Taking this as a chance to regain his energy, Huro sucked on the wound; happily gulping down the fresh blood. However, he let out a yelp when Zack fell to the floor onto his knees, seemingly affected by the special bite.

When Huro had stopped drinking his blood, he looked at Zack's hazy eyes. They appeared to be turning back to normal; the beautiful lavender colour returned to the humanoid dragon's irises. A loud gasp slipped through Huro's lips as Zack's pupils faded from black to white to red and black again. This was the confirmation Huro had been fearing. They were soulmates. Huro's eyes widened. He retracted his fangs and quickly backed away from Zack, his back hitting the metal wall.

"It's... It's true? We are actually soulmates!? What the f*ck!" Huro exclaimed. Panic and confusion raced through his brain. Zack fell backward, still extremely lethargic and dazed after the numbing bite. Huro cautiously crept over to Zack and hovered his hand over Zack's forehead. All of Huro's newly given energy was released again into Zack's body, completely healing and removing the side effects of the bite. Huro huffed and fell next to Zack, the exhausted feeling returning at once.

After a minute or so, Zack began to move again. He turned his head to the side to look at Huro's beautiful face. But Zack could see the exhaustion and stress shading his features. Zack couldn't help but feel guilty. If only he could wrap his large wings around Huro and protect him from the scary world. But how was he supposed to do that if he couldn't even save himself from his mother or Yuin?

"Did you know?..." Huro partially whispered, his voice splitting through the silence. Zack's face scrunched up in even more guilt as he sat up.

"Yeah. Although, I haven't known for long. I found out about 4 months ago. I'm sorry for not telling you about it." Zack explained.

"How did you find out?" Huro also tried to sit up but ended up needing help from Zack.

"Dragons can immediately sense their soulmate when they turn 16." Zack told.

"Lucky." Huro muttered. "Although, I kinda had a suspicion. My family has been non-stop dropping hints since all of this happened. I've just been too oblivious to actually realise." Huro said. Zack let out a breathy chuckle before his face turned stern again.

"Huro, I'd love to sit and chat but we need to get out now. Yuin or Oliver could show up at any time to retrieve us." Zack stood up and helped Huro.

"I don't even know if my grandparents have gotten everyone out. How are we supposed to fight if all of us are so weak right now?" Huro asked.

"I trust that Logan and Reign have gotten most of your family out safe. If we need to, we can always just regroup at his castle for a day." Zack said.

"But what about Dad and Papa?! We can't leave Dad here and I know Papa won't leave until we have Dad..." Huro exclaimed as he began to slowly pace around the room even though he was still feeling weak. "How do we do this without getting anyone hurt?"

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