Zila's been Taken - Chapter 7

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Huro and Zack left the classroom chatting.

"Hey, why don't you sit with me rather than your... friends?" Huro asked.

"Oh, um... Sure. Why not" Zack smiled.

"Great! I don't sit in a group. Usually, I sit by myself under a tree, listening to music. Sometimes, Ria and Quin would come over and talk to me. They would always check on me because of your friends." Huro said as they walked over to his spot.

"I don't know what to do with my friends. They've been my friends since the beginning of school and I know they are toxic, rude and they bully you, but they're still all I've had. I've tried to get them to stop but they ignore me. I'm sorry." Zack explained as he slid down the tree into a sitting position, holding his knees.

"I understand. But I need you to know that being friends with me could put you in danger as well. Whoever is taking my family could target the people around us. Please be cautious." Huro asked.

"I will. I'm a dragon. I'm sure I will be fine. Demons and dragons are close equals in power." Zack stated.

"Yes, but Akumi is a demon and he was taken without any struggle. They have something that can just quietly knock you out. It must be very strong because Akumi would never give up without a fight." Huro explained.

"Jeez, this is some serious business." Zack chuckled slightly.

"Yeah... And stressful for my family. I don't think my grandpapa has slept much and I know my uncles are worried. Plus, Zila is not allowed out of my parents' sight just in case. However, they've already got a demon, so I'm not too sure about her getting taken." Huro shifted to look at Zack. "Sorry, I started to ramble."

"It's all good. I can tell your family is not the only one who is stressed. But believe me, when I say this, I will be here for you and I will protect you from whoever the hell is trying to hurt you and your family." Huro chuckled.

"Where is this coming from? Just a few days ago you wouldn't even talk to me," Huro said.

"Yeah, well. I've always thought that way about you. There were just... certain... aspects that stopped me from being able to say that." Zack justified.

"You started to be my friend once you found out that I was a vampire cross wolf? Did that have something to do with it?" Huro asked.

"Yes, it did," Zack said.

"Don't be so mysterious," Huro whined.

"You'll find out eventually~," Zack told. Huro's phone began to ring. He took it out of his pocket to see that his Dad was calling him.

"Hey, Dad. Is there a problem?" Huro asked.

"Zila's been taken, she went to get something from her room and after waiting five minutes, she's gone! I don't know what's happening." Daniel cried over the phone.

"What?! I'm leaving school and coming home. I'm bringing Zack too." Huro hung up the phone.

"We need to go right now, Zack." Both of them stood up and Huro dragged Zack to somewhere more private. Huro quickly transformed and grabbed both of Zack's hands. He teleported home quickly with Zack.

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