The Plan - Chapter 12

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Demonic teleported himself and Huro from their home to Reign and Logan's castle.

"Dad? Papa?" Demonic called out. Suddenly, Logan teleported to Demonic.

"Hello, son. Hello, Huro. What brings you here?" Logan asked.

"You know why we are here, Papa. Where is Dad?" Demonic inquired. Logan sighed.

"He got himself injured while trying to rescue Akumi from Yuin. I can't believe Yuin survived. I swear I made sure he died as well as Zack's aunt." Logan said.

"Zack's aunt?! YOU killed Zack's aunt?" Huro asked.

"Yes, I did. She helped take Reign and Demonic away from me. You've heard the story of the family, haven't you?" Logan explained.

"Well, yes. But I had no idea it was Zack's aunt who nearly ruined the family." Huro said.

"Don't worry, he wasn't born then so it was never his fault. Besides the fact that his mother is now the one who helped organise all the kidnappings and he knew about everything. Despite his mother, he still stayed by your side to protect you. He is a loyal soulmate, I'll give him that." Logan told.

"Soulmate? You must have it wrong. Zack isn't my soulmate, we're just friends. Besides, we couldn't be together because I am half-wolf. Isn't that against the law of wolves?" Huro asked.

"Technically not. You may be a wolf, but you're also a vampire. Plus, if everywolf followed those rules, you would not have been born." Logan justified.

"Hmm, true... But still, I don't think we are soulmates." Huro denied. "I did, however, notice a painting on the ceiling of his bedroom that is stuck in my mind. It was a vampire-wolf hybrid like me getting married to a dragon that looked like Zack. Was there something like that in the past?" Huro asked.

"Yes. There was a marriage in the past. Did Zack never tell you? His father fell in love with a hybrid, but he was forced to marry Hirai. Luke, Zack's father, and Ryan, the vampire-wolf hybrid, got married once Hirai and Luke got divorced." Logan said.

"What?! Zack was told by Hirai that his father ran away from him and Hirai, and later got killed by a vampire." Huro looked at Logan with a surprised expression.

"Hmm... Strange. It must've been a cover-up story." Logan thought out loud.

"I appreciate the history lesson Huro is getting, Papa, but I need to save my husband and the rest of our family from getting killed." Demonic said, becoming impatient.

"I know that Demonic, but I need Reign's help. I've tried to heal him, but it's such a deep wound. It could take another few days to fully heal him." Logan told.

"Then let me help, Grandpapa. I can heal him. I promise I am good at healing people. I just need both of you to give me a bit of your strength since I've used up most of my energy." Huro proposed.

"Thank you, Huro, but you are still a youngling. Your powers have not fully developed yet," Logan said.

"Please. Just trust me, Grandpapa. I can heal Grandad." Huro pleaded. Logan sighed.

"You can try. But don't hurt my husband." Logan glared at Huro.

"I'll do my best. Can you take us to him?" Huro asked. In seconds, Huro, Demonic and Logan were in a small room with Reign lying on the bed.

"He was stabbed from behind, when trying to take Akumi, by one of Zack's tail spikes," Logan said. "But Zack was controlled and wasn't himself," Logan added before Huro began to freak out.

"This is all my fault for getting Zack involved in this. I'm so sorry this all happened." Huro looked at the floor. Logan walked over to Huro and lifted Huro's chin.

"Don't be. He will be involved in the whole family soon. And he had no choice but too because of his mother. Do not feel guilty for this." Logan hugged his grandson.

"Huro, do you really believe you can heal Dad? It looks like the wound is pretty deep." Demonic said from behind them who was looking at the gaping wound through Reign's stomach.

"I've been practising a lot of my magic in the forest while looking for Zack. I had to heal any animal after I fed off them." Huro explained.

"Alright then." Demonic allowed. Logan let go of Huro and went to stand beside his son. Huro walked over to where Reign lay. Demonic and Logan placed a hand on Huro's shoulders so they could help transfer some strength. Huro held both of his hands just above Reign's wound. Slowly, a bright glowing light formed under his hands as Huro focused on mending and closing the rest of Reign's wound. He felt his power pour into the wound as it slowly closed over, healing Reign's wound fully.

Huro fell to the ground and Demonic rushed to his side. He helped Huro stand up again and Huro leaned on his papa's shoulder. Everyone looked over to Reign who was beginning to stir. Logan was by his side in an instant, holding Reign's hand. Reign's eyes opened gradually.

"Oh my god! You're ok." Logan kissed the back of Reign's hand.

"O-of course I am silly." Reign said hoarsely.

"He should be feeling better in about an hour." Huro told.

"Thank you, Huro. Your powers truly exceed our knowledge." Logan exclaimed.

"You're welcome, Grandpapa," Huro said as he turned to Demonic to teleport back to the castle's main living room.


Huro and Demonic were sitting in the living room, waiting for Reign to get better. After about an hour, Reign and Logan teleported into the room. Huro and Demonic stood up.

"How are you feeling dad?" Demonic asked.

"A lot better, thanks to Huro. What's the plan?" Reign inquired.

"You aren't going anywhere until you've completely regained your strength," Logan growled.

"You don't have a choice. You need all the help you can get. I'll be fine, Babe." Reign kissed Logan on the cheek. Logan softly growled again in disagreement but he eventually gave in.

"Fine." Logan agreed. "We need to get Zack back. He's one of the strongest people that are under the control of Yuin."

"Who's Yuin again?" Huro asked.

"Your great grandad, Huro. My father." Reign said. "Have you never heard of his name before?"

"Maybe a few times but I don't know or care about him soooo," Huro told.

"Fair enough." Reign said. "I have an idea on how we could get Zack back. It is similar to how I got Demonic and Daniel to figure out if they were soulmates."

"You think that would be a good idea. Shouldn't he figure it out by himself?" Demonic questioned.

"It's all we have left. We need him back and they need to be together to gain full power. Remember the first time you went into your full power form? It was during a fight about Daniel. It's all linked." Reign explained.

"Helloooo. If this is a plan that mainly involves me, can I know what's going on and what I need to do?" Huro interjected.

"Yes, very sorry, Huro. Here is the plan," Reign said.

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