Thirst - Chapter 6

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The second period was Japanese. Huro and Zack were, unluckily, both in the same class. Zack knew he would have to put on his "happy" face. It's what he'd been doing for a long time because of his mother. Zack sat at the back in the corner. Surprisingly, he and Huro were really good at Japanese. They both excelled beyond what the school curriculum needed them to do. Huro sat right in front of him, so it was always super awkward. He never really spoke in classes but today was different.

"Hey, Zack." Huro greeted him as he sat down.

"Oh, Hi," Zack said confused. He was still struggling with accepting all that was happening.

"You... ok?" Huro asked.

"Pft. Of course I'm ok." Zack smirked.

Huro could clearly tell it was fake. It was the fakest smile ever. He noticed that there was a little purple mark on Zack's face and some kind of makeup running as well.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Zack said without looking up from his laptop. Huro's face heated up.

"Oh my wolf, are you serious?" Huro looked away and tried to calm down. Zack laughed. Huro just realised how cute Zack's laugh was. No, he can't. It would never work. He still didn't know if he could trust Zack, and if he caught feelings for him, then it could make the family situation worse. When they calmed down, Huro decided to say something.

"Hey, um. There's like a bit of purple on your face, and maybe... makeup?" Huro said.

"What?!" Zack exclaimed and raised his hand. "Sensei, can I go to the bathroom please?"

"Hai, Zack." The teacher responded. (Hai means yes in Japanese). Zack walked out of the room, not looking back at the very confused Huro. Zack's crying must've made the makeup run. He hadgot several wounds from training the cadets back at home, in preparation forwars. He got to the bathroom and looked at the mark that was peeking through.

'Shoot. If Huro saw it, then he's gonna be concerned.' Zack thought. 'Lucky I carry concealer everywhere.'

He pulled out the concealer from his pocket and applied it on the bruise that his mother gave to him a few nights before.

'Huro will never find out about anything at home. Not until I can trust him or his family.' Zack finished blending out the concealer and went to wash his hands. When he finished he was about to walk out when Huro teleported behind him.

"H-Huro? What are you doing teleporting?!" Zack whisper-yelled.

"Q-Quick... Get- aw-ay!" Huro gritted his teeth together.

"Huro, what's wrong? Do-do we need to go s-see one of your family m-members?" Zack asked shakily.

Huro looked up, his vision blurring in and out of focus. Everything was a red hue and he was in a lot of pain. He needed blood. Now.

"B-Bl-oo-od..." Huro managed out.

"What do you want me to do? Do I need to get Demonic or Logan or something?!" Zack questioned.

"I-... don't know..." Huro said, now down on one knee. Zack looked at Huro, who was clearly in a lot of pain.

'What caused this to happen?' Zack thought. Huro looked up at Zack, his eyes were a deeper red than usual. Zack sighed and pulled his right sleeve up.

"Drink," Zack said. Huro's eyes went wide.

"Zack..." Huro looked down at Zack's wrist and back up to look at him.

"Do it. I can tell you're in pain." Zack knelt and put his wrist close to Huro.

"I-.. can't! I'll hurt you." Huro hissed.

"Just do it." Zack glared at him.

Huro slowly grabbed Zack's arm. He knew there was something wrong with Zack. He could smell the blood this morning and it was driving him crazy. Huro really didn't want to hurt Zack but he didn't have a choice. He opened his mouth; his fangs had already come out of their retractable place.

Zack looked with slight concern as Huro hovered over his wrist. Huro then bit down quickly, trying to lessen the pain. Zack hissed; the feeling of his blood being drawn from that area made goosebumps go all over his skin. It hurt like hell and he could feel himself getting dizzy. He got down on both knees trying to make sure he didn't fall over and hit his head.

Huro looked up at Zack to make sure he was ok. Zack looked down at Huro's sweet face. He was so pretty with his eyes slowly returning to his fake baby blue eyes and pale skin. A slight pink blush crossed his face. Huro took his fangs out and retracted them.

"Thank you, Zack. Next time, please try and cover up any blood. This is what happens if I am hungry and I smell someone's blood." Huro explained.

"Yeah,sorry. I had to train a few kids this morning and they gave me some deep cutsthat haven't healed yet. Are you ok now?" Zack asked, still really dizzy.

"Yeah... Thank you again. Let me heal you, you might faint if I don't heal you soon." Huro gently grabbed Zack's wrist and hovered his hand over the two torn holes in Zack's skin. He focused on repairing the wound. Demonic taught him how to heal vampire bite wounds.

"There you go, drink some water and you should feel a lot better in about an hour." Huro smiled at Zack.

"You do know I am a dragon who can fast heal or heal myself quickly if I need to, right?" Zack smirked.

"You can? Why didn't you stop me from wasting my energy then?!" Huro punched Zack's shoulder, knocking him to the side a bit. They both stood up.

"Because I wanted to see what you could do," Zack explained.

"Oh my god, I just realised how long we've been," Huro said.

"Oh, sh*t-... Detention for us," Zack whined.

"Come on!" Huro exclaimed. Huro and Zack fast-walked back to class.

"What took you two so long?" Ms Smilth asked.

"We had to go to the other side because the bathrooms on this side were locked. Must've been an incident in there." Huro quickly explained.

"Alright, take a seat, the lesson is nearly over." Ms Smilth said. Huro and Zack looked at each other relieved. Zack was slowly feeling better.

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