Control - Chapter 14

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(Mention of needles and blood!!!)

Yuin released Huro from his chains. Huro growled and prepared to lunge at Yuin. But before he could, Yuin clicked his fingers and Zack came back from being controlled, screaming out in pain. Huro's eyes went wide in fear.

"What are you doing?! Stop it!" Huro cried out desperately. Zack dropped to the floor, still screaming in pain.

"Only if you agree to behave and not attack me or my servants." Yuin glared at Huro.

"Yes! Anything! Just stop hurting him." Huro said, tears forming in his eyes.

Yuin smiled and Zack stopped screaming. Huro rushed to his side but he was already back under control. Zack stood up and reached out his hand to pick Huro up. Huro slapped Zack's hand away and backed away from him.

"Not going to show any love for your "friend"?" Yuin asked. Huro felt a sharp feeling in his heart. Like several tiny needles were stabbing it.

'Friend? Why did that hurt so much?' Huro thought. He remained silent, not wanting to give in to the horrible man's questions.

"That's unfortunate... Once this is done, you won't see him anymore. Are you sure you don't want to spend more time with him?" Yuin walked back over to the throne and sat down. He held Daniel's chin in his hand. Daniel was under a certain drug - made from vampire venom - for wolves which causes them to lose control of their minds and actions. Huro still said nothing.

"Do you like what I've done with your dad? The drug is very powerful. Used by humans to make wolves lose their minds so that they're easier to kill. It makes them so... obedient." Yuin grinned. Huro let out a loud growl but did nothing else.

Meanwhile, Demonic was watching everything from his place above everyone. He wanted to jump down and slice Yuin's head off but there were too many guards around that weren't his. Plus, Logan and Reign were still nowhere to be found. He couldn't do anything but talk to Huro through telepathy.

'Huro... Just do what he says. I'm sorry, but there is no going against him right now. We will have to find another way to get you, Daniel and Zack. Just stay strong.' Demonic thought.

'Okay, Papa. I trust you.' Huro responded.


"Sire, we are ready for the extraction. However, Huro is being quite difficult... Do we give him the venom as well?" Oliver asked.

"I'd love to see how he'd react to it... But I also want him to feel this... Don't use it." Yuin said.

"Yes, Sire..." Oliver responded.

Oliver walked into the room where Zack and Huro was. Huro was in a chair, restraining him in place with Zack standing beside him, still under control. Yuin walked in after Oliver.

"Oliver, you are very young. I suggest you leave the room. It might get a little too much for you." Yuin said.

"Thank you, Sire." Oliver bowed and walked out.

"Who's ready for the process to begin?", Yuin asked. Although he would never admit it, Huro hated needles. He was getting very nauseous just at the thought of his blood being taken.

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