Morning Talk - Chapter 9

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Zack woke up before Huro did. Usually, he wakes up at 5 am because of his mother. He got out of bed to get ready for the day. He came out of the bathroom after getting dressed to see Huro still sleeping.

'He's so adorable.' Zack thought.

Zack teleported into the kitchen. He looked for a glass and filled it up with water. Daniel checked the kitchen to see if it was Huro up this early.

"Zack? It's very early. On the weekends, Huro usually sleeps in until 9 or 10. You should go back to bed." Daniel said.

"I would, but I can't sleep once I've woken up. How about you? Why are you awake this early?" Zack asked.

"It's hard to sleep when one of your children is missing. I just got Demonic to go to sleep. I got a couple of hours before." Daniel explained.

"You do know I'd do anything for Huro. I won't let him be taken as well. I promise." Zack assured.

"I know, Zack. Thank you." Huro grabbed a mug and began to make coffee.

"Your welcome," Zack put his glass in the washing machine. "By the way, thanks for letting me stay here away from my mother."

"I understand what you are going through. Believe me when I say my parents were horrible." Daniel said.

"Yeah, I don't even know my dad. He ran away from my mother but died from a vampire." Zack explained.

"Oh, Zack, I'm so sorry." Daniel apologised.

"Nah, don't worry about it. I don't really know him. But I understand why he left. Mother is a horrible person and a tyrant. If she got her hands on Huro, I don't care if she were my mother, I would rip her to shreds." Zack said.

"I feel the same way about both Huro and Demonic. I'd do anything to keep them safe away from the dangers of the world. It's how you should feel about your soulmate and family." Daniel explained.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sick of waiting, to be honest. I just wish we could be together already. But I've done terrible things and I still can't stop my toxic friends from hurting him. I'm just so torn on what to do." Zack told.

"It will work out in the end. It worked out with Demonic and me. Originally, he kidnapped me. It was funny because we found out that we were soulmates later on." Daniel chuckled.

"Isn't there a special bite that vampires can do to determine soulmates?" Zack asked.

"Yes, although it can be dangerous. In- a certain... type of way." Daniel stuttered.

"Yes, I've heard what can happen," Zack smirked.

"It's best not to do that bite until you've gotten together since it would be strange to do it. Not like Demonic and I were together, but it was Reign's request to check." Daniel told.

"Fair enough," Zack said. Demonic walked into the kitchen. It was clear that he had barely had any sleep. He walked behind Daniel and grabbed his waist. Daniel gently rubbed Demonic's arm.

"Still couldn't sleep?" Daniel asked.

"Nah, you left the bed." Demonic shoved his head into Daniel's back.

"Sorry about him." Daniel apologised.

"No, I understand," Zack said.

"Actually, I've been meaning to ask you something," Daniel said.

"What is it?" Zack asked.

"Do dragons have some kind of special bite for marking or anything? Dragons aren't usually seen around here so I don't know much about them." Daniel questioned.

"Oh, yeah, there is. It's a bite that we give to our mate. Since our teeth are so sharp, we can cause a scar that will never fade. Plus some magic venom like stuff that stops it from healing fully. Usually, it's done during an intimate time." Zack explained.

"Does it hurt?" Daniel's expression turned to a concerned look.

"Well, yes, quite a bit but it's worth it in the end because it seals the couple's fate," Zack said.

"The vampire bite injects this venom that stops any pain and makes it more enjoyable. Could you do that or not?" Daniel asked.

"Idon't know. Maybe... It would be nice, but I don't think there is unless you usea spell to numb the pain. However, the special dragon bite tradition says thatit must be done during sex and must "heal" on its own. My species is justweird." Zack laughed.

"Not weird just different," Daniel said. He turned around to Demonic. "We should probably get back to bed. This big softy can't sleep without me."

"Yeah, I should get back to Huro. I don't want anything to happen to him." Zack stated.

"Yes. And again, thank you so much for doing this for us. It means a lot to know that our baby is safe. Also, never give up on him. He will eventually come around to realising and accepting you as his soulmate. I promise." Daniel then gave an angry look. "No having s*x in this house until you guys are of age or older... Enjoy your day!"

"Y-Yeah... Cya." Zack stood there with an embarrassed face.

'Why would he ever say that?-... Well we are teenagers and I am of age but still, it's so early in life. Hell nawh.' Zack thought.

He walked back through the castle. He was sure that Huro was safe, he'd only look around the castle for a bit. If he heard anyone call, he'd teleport straight back. He walked into the throne room. He could not believe that his Aunt, Madden, nearly killed Huro's grandad, Reign. His Aunt has sat on this very chair. He was so glad that she was dead now, killed at the hands of Logan, Reign's mate.

Zack saw a door that went to an outside garden. When he opened the doors he was welcomed by a big backyard with a little creek and butterflies all around. There was a sculpted chair beside the creek. He'd have to come to visit this place when it was nighttime with Huro. It would be so much fun and they could go for a little swim.

He went back inside and headed for his new room that had Huro in it. He opened thedoor to the bedroom to see someone carrying Huro on their shoulder.

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