The Powerful Weapon - Chapter 13

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"Are you kidding me! How would that even do anything? It's not going to work!" Huro yelled. Logan sighed.

"It will! Huro seriously! You need to wake up and stop rejecting your feelings. You've literally had them since you met Zack in grade 5." Reign said.

"Huro, look at me." Demonic grabbed Huro's chin. "We don't have a choice. You need to do this so we can get our family back. I get it's a lot to ask of you but what's needed to be done is needed to be done." Demonic pulled Huro in for a hug.

"We promise we'll be there for you and Zack when it's done." Reign said, joining the hug. Logan hugged them as well.

"Now let's kick my grandad's butt and get our family and lovers back!" Demonic said.

"There is only one person who has their lover there?" Huro looked at Demonic.

"Are you kidding me!" Logan, Reign and Demonic yelled at the same time.


Huro and Demonic knelt behind the entrance of the throne room. Logan and Reign were looking for the rest of their family in the castle, quietly knocking out guards on their way. In the throne room, Daniel was chained up next to the throne. One chain around his neck and another tying his hands up. On Demonic's throne, Yuin was sitting proudly on it with Daniel's chains in his hand. Next to him, some mysterious person stood on the other side of the throne with a hood covering their face. However, Zack was nowhere to be seen.

"Zack will be around here somewhere, Huro." Demonic whispered. "While you look for him, I'm gonna find a way to get Daniel away from that filthy bastard."

"Papa. Wait until I've got Zack. He is the best chance we have of getting Dad back. Okay?" Huro said. Demonic nodded and Huro teleported away. Demonic teleported to one of the roof's beams to sit on and watch in case something or someone showed up.


Huro had no idea where to start.

'Maybe our room? There's no way that Yuin could control someone the entire time.' Huro thought. He walked to his room door and hid behind a pillar. Two guards stood outside his room.

'Just as I thought. He's in that room and the guards are making sure no one gets him while he's vulnerable. Well, they are pretty dumb to think that I couldn't get in.' Huro thought. Huro tried to teleport in but mid-teleport, he was blocked out by some kind of magic barrier and was left outside the door in plain sight of the guards.

"Sh*t-... Hi?" Huro tried to walk away but the guards ran after him. He would have to fight back. Huro quickly jumped over them as they ran forward and used a magic blast to send them flying into one of the castle walls.

'Surely someone heard that. I need to hurry up before Zack goes under control again.' Huro thought.

He ran to his bedroom door and swiftly opened it. Zack was sitting on his bed, head on his knees. He quickly looked up at Huro. His expression suddenly turned to fear.

"Huro! What are you doing here?! Go! He can see through my eyes! Please!" Zack teleported over to Huro and pushed him back to the door.

"No! I'm not leaving you again!" Huro went up to Zack and hugged him. Zack hesitantly hugged him back and looked into Huro's beautiful red eyes for the first time in a while. A blush crept onto both their faces as they enjoyed each other's presence. Zack was the first one to leave his trance.

"Please Huro... For me?" Zack lifted Huro's chin.

"Whatever is going on, I can help," Huro said. Huro stepped back and smiled. Suddenly, the mysterious being teleported behind them. Zack's eyes went wide.

"Huro! Look out!-" Zack was cut off by Huro being shot with a sleeping dart.

"Ow..." Huro mumbled as he fell forward into Zack's arms.

"No! Damnit, Oliver! Couldn't you have just let us have more time!" Zack yelled.

"We need him to finish the project. Don't make me get Yuin to control you again. You're lucky that you're allowed a break." Oliver said as he tried to take Huro. Zack growled and stepped away.

"I'll take him myself." Zack glared at Oliver. Yuin teleported in behind them.

"Calm down, boys. All we need is Zack and Huro's blood, then we can finish it. We've extracted some power essence from Quin, Ria, Akumi and Zila. It should be enough. Then the DNA of Zack and Huro will complete the weapon." Yuin teleported closer to Zack, who was carrying Huro in his arms. "The weapon will look just like you and Huro, Zack. Your very own child. Besides the fact that after enough training, they kill you and the rest of Huro's family eventually." Yuin reached out to touch his great grandson's face.

"Don't... touch him," Zack growled.

"Calm down, big boy. I'm not gonna hurt your soulmate... Yet." Yuin grinned villainously. Zack's eyes turned red as Yuin controlled him and they walked back to the throne room.


Huro slowly woke up; feeling extremely exhausted for some reason. He looked around and tried to get up but realised he was chained to a wall. He tried pulling on the chains but stopped when he heard footsteps heading towards him. He looked up and saw Yuin with Zack and a random person beside him.

"He truly is a beautiful specimen. Worthy of the Farian name." Yuin lifted Huro's chin. "A powerful one too. You're lucky to have this one, Zack."

"Thank you, Sire." Zack bowed.

"Stop controlling him... Now!" Huro yelled and shook Yuin's hand off his face.

"Now now... That isn't the way to speak to your great granddad." Yuin said.

"Oh yeah. My "precious great grandad" who plans on killing my family by making the most powerful hybrid in the world." Huro glared at Yuin.

"So extremely ungrateful. I am doing you and Zack a favour. I'm creating you and Zack a biological child through science." Yuin explained.

"What?..." Huro asked.

"You'll find out soon enough," Yuin said. "But I'm not a complete monster. I'll allow you to spend some time with Zack before I use you and Zack's DNA to finalise my weapon!" Yuin laughed maniacally. Huro winced and his ears went down.

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