True Family - Chapter 16

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Logan teleported to a spare bedroom in the castle with Oliver. Oliver held onto Logan's hand and kept his eyes down on the ground. After the initial shock had worn off, he was left feeling embarrassed and regretful despite being brought up as an assassin. It wasn't what he had planned at all. Logan turned around and kneeled in front of Oliver.

"Oliver. Did you know that Yuin is not your father?" Logan asked. Oliver looked into Logan's eyes, an unreadable look spreading across his face.

"Not until Daniel said, 'We both know he's not your son'." Oliver spoke slowly as if he was processing the words while saying them.

"Would you like to know who your family is?" Logan looked at the young assassin with a comforting gaze. Oliver hesitated, like the words he wanted to speak did not want to break free. His face scrunched up in thought until it seemed like something clicked.

"I know who they are..." Oliver whispered barely loud enough for a soul to hear.

Luckily, Logan had keen ears. He chuckled slightly before responding. "I'm not surprised. I am assuming the 'we both know' gave it away?"

"That, and the way Daniel growled whenever Yuin called me his son. But why does Daniel remember me and not anyone else?" Oliver asked, hurt shading his deep brown eyes.

"Yuin seems to have powerful beings on his side as we do. Most likely, he pulled the memory-erasing card. It's not his first time either. I've been in your shoes before, little one." Logan explained.

"But you remembered? Why would he leave your memories intact?" Oliver inquired. He was beginning to feel comfortable and open to conversation now.

"It seems like he still didn't get the message that my memory could not be erased after the last ordeal. But no matter." Logan clarified. "Would you like to hear a story about your parents before we return to the throne room?"

Oliver hesitated but soon nodded slightly. After all the years of feeling like he was nothing more than an assassin, he was desperate to know about the life he could've had. Logan smiled at the younger boy's eagerness and sat on the bed before patting the space next to him. Oliver slowly sat on the bed next to Logan, his hands loosely sitting in his lap.

"I remember the day you were born. I was looking after your siblings when I got a call from your Papa saying that your Dad had to get the c-section early. I quickly teleported Reign and the kids to the hospital. Obviously, we had to wait outside during the c-section, but when we were allowed in, both of them were still crying tears of joy." Logan recounted.

A smile tugged at Oliver's lips. He played with his hands and looked down. It was so uncharacteristic of him, and yet he had never felt so himself. Oliver found himself dreaming about what could've been. The childhood that was ripped away from him just when he had learned how to walk.

"It feels good, in a way, to know that I could've had a real loving family instead of Yuin. I wish I could've spent the last 7 years with them instead. All I've done while with him is train or kill. He also forced one of the maids to teach me complex education." Oliver explained with a sombre expression." I wasn't allowed to have contact with anyone besides him, the queen of dragons, and the guards."

"I'm sorry, Oliver. I wish I could've found and rescued you sooner." Logan apologised.

"It's okay... I understand." Oliver replied and took a deep breath. "I do have a question though. How did Daniel figure out who my parents were?"

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