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They all arrived home safely. Zack teleported straight to Huro and his son. There was a bed in the nursery and Huro was lying on it, cradling their son in his arms.

"Is he gone?" Huro asked, not looking away from the baby.

"Yes, and my mother as well," Zack replied as he teleported new, non-bloody clothes onto him. Huro had done the same before. Zack got onto the bed and sat next to Huro, who was holding their sleeping son.

"That's great. Now he can grow up in a not-so-war-filled world." Huro chuckled and looked at Zack.

"Have you come up with a name for him while I was gone?" Zack inquired.

"Yeah, I have, actually. And I thought you would love the name." Huro looked at the sleeping baby boy in his arms again. "I think Ash suits him very well."

"Ash... I love that name. It's perfect." Zack said as he put his hand gently on Ash's face and stroked it slightly.

"He has your beautiful blue, purple, fluffy hair," Huro observed.

"Yeah, and he has your adorable boopable nose." Zack laughed as he gently booped the baby on his nose. "It looks like he's a cross of a wolf and a dragon. He has your ears, but he has my wings and tail."

"Yeah." Huro agreed in complete admiration. They stayed there for the rest of the afternoon, sleeping with their new son, Ash.


Everyone was gathered in the throne room. Akumi had his two boyfriends and Ria and Quin had their girlfriends. Huro and Zack were also there. They didn't mind leaving Ash in the nursery because he was sleeping.

"I think it's about time we tell everyone who Oliver really is," Logan said. "Oliver? You ready?"

"Yeah... I'm just a little scared. I don't know how everyone will react." Oliver whispered.

"Everyone will be so excited when they find out about you. I promise. People will just be in shock." Logan whispered back. Oliver nodded his head.

"Okay, so I guess it's finally time that you all find out who I am. Logan and Daniel are the only ones who know. Thank you so much for keeping quiet about it until now." Oliver said. "When I was first taken, I was told that my parents sold me off to Yuin to be raised because they didn't like me and I was an accident. Recently, I have found out that my whole life was a lie. When I was able to walk, I was stolen from my true parents. Yuin then erased my parent's memories of ever having me. He also erased my brother and sister's memories, along with anyone who ever knew me or knew I existed. I was then put through the torture of training for hours every day, getting used to little sleep like 30 minutes a day, malnutrition, etc." Oliver took in a deep breath. "But the reason I am telling you guys about this is that once I say my name, the spell will be broken. My true name is... Oliver Farian." Everyone gasped as the memory spell was broken and all memories of Oliver flooded back. Then there was a series of apologies and hugs.

"Huro!" Oliver called out. Huro teleported over and hugged Oliver. "So you're my little brother? Damn it! I'm a middle child." Huro said in a fake angry voice. Oliver laughed.

Demonic, Daniel, Logan and Reign were in the nursery, meeting Ash. Ash loved all of them. He laughed and reached out to everyone, making excited noises.

"He's just as adorable and chubby like you were when you were little." Daniel squealed slightly. Huro chuckled and leaned his head on Zack's shoulder.

"Soooo. Are you guys official?" Daniel asked. Zack looked at Huro.

"Yeah, we are together now. We had our first kiss while Zack was trying to kill me because of the arrow. It wasn't the best place, but, who cares." Huro shrugged.

Huro's POV (Point of View)

Life from then on was so much better. Zack and I soon finished school. Ash was nearly 3 years old when we finished. He has begun to talk and walk around. It's so cute! He's so bubbly and adorable. Zack and I couldn't be happier. However, he is struggling with his powers, so Logan has helped us out by starting to train him at a young age. We are also deciding to homeschool him to save the trouble that I had.

Oliver is my new little brother. He is so much older now and is nearly finished high school. He's come so far and I couldn't be prouder of him. Papa was so excited to find out that they had a third child. Since Daniel already found out, he was glad that he didn't need to worry about not saying anything.

Anyway, Zack and I took over the kingdom and united the dragons with my Dad and Papa's united kingdom. When we became kings, we also declared full custody of Ash. Dad and Papa moved out of their house to a castle that was built like Grandad and Grandpapa's castle.

5 years in the future, Zack and I have also had another child, a baby girl called Isabella, or Izzy for short. We wanted to try making a child ourselves rather than Yuin creating one for us.

Akumi has settled down with his two boyfriends, Rick and Nathaniel. Rick is a wolf and Nathaniel is a human. Nathan first got a lot of hate when everyone found out he was a human because humans nearly caused wolves to go extinct. Akumi had originally been making him look like a vampire in fear of us hurting him. But we found out that he helped heal Rick, who was nearly killed by some random hunters, we all slowly accepted him.

Ria also has settled down with her girlfriend, Kayla. Kayla is a cat crossed wolf. She dealt with a lot of hate at school. Ria found her being bullied by Zack's old friends, who are now dead because Zack hunted them down and killed them. She became Kayla's friend and later on, girlfriend. Now they live happily with their adopted daughter, Rylie, who is a demon.

Quin and his girlfriend, Olivia, lived happily with their twin boys, Andre and Anton. Quin found Olivia through Kayla, who is Olivia's sister.

Dad and Papa have spent a lot of time with Oliver, trying to help Oliver recover from all his previous problems. They are now still helping Oliver finish school.

Everyone else lived their lives. And that's the end of our story.

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