Meeting Huro's Family - Chapter 3

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Huro grabbed onto Zack's hand.

"Hold on! Where are you taking me?!" Zack yelled.

"To my grandpapa, I need to fix this accident because you saw me," Huro replied, getting agitated.

"Are you going to kill me?" Zack asked.

"NO!" Huro grabbed Zack's other hand. "Just shut up so I can concentrate." Huro closed his eyes and thought of his grandparent's place.

White magical swirls danced around Zack and Huro. Zack's eyes widened; he was being teleported somewhere. Only vampires, demons and dragons could teleport. Suddenly they were outside a castle-like building.

"Come on..." Huro said, dragging Zack.

"Hey! I can walk myself." Zack shook his hand away from Huro's.

"Fine, just hurry up." Huro walked to the big wooden doors. He knocked on it three times. A couple of seconds passed, and the door swung open. Reign was the one to open it.

"Hello?" Reign asked.

"Hey, Grandad," Huro said looking up at him.

"Oh, hello, Huro. And who's this?" Reign questioned.

"This is Zack, he's a dragon and he saw me transform before I teleported home. I need Grandpapa to do something." Huro quickly explained.

"He's a little busy. Logan is trying to locate Akumi." Reign sighed.

"Please Grandad, it's kinda urgent and I don't want Papa to kill me," Huro said with an annoyed expression on his face.

Zack stood there with no idea what was going on. First, he was teleported to this castle-like thing, then the door opens, and Huro's Grandad is a vampire like him, and now Zack found out that Huro has two Grandparents. Could this day get any more confusing?

"Fine, but he's a little stressed. Try not to make him mad or anything." Reign stepped forward to hug Huro.

"We will find Uncle Akumi, Grandad. I promise." Huro hugged Reign tighter.

Reign stepped back from the hug and Huro took Zack's hand again and led him through the castle.

"Again? With the hand grabbing thing. I'm sure I can walk without you leading me everywhere. Plus I can teleport to you if I get lost. I'm a dragon remember." Zack pulled his hand away and stood with his arms crossed.

"We don't have time for this. And no, I hardly remember you're a dragon because you certainly don't act like one." Huro rolled his eyes.

"Hey! I am a descendant of the royal dragon family." Zack said, instantly regretting it because no one was supposed to know besides other royalty.

"And I am the prince of the united vampire and wolf kingdom. I know that you are the heir. But you can't tell anyone about me being the prince of the united kingdom or I will tell everyone that you are the prince of dragons." Huro replied. Zack huffed and nodded his head. Huro continued to show Zack to the tracking room. Huro knocked on the door to the room. There was a slight pause before Logan spoke.

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