Full-Form - Chapter 10

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Everything swirled around him. His emotions were clouding his thought process, and in no time, he turned full dragon mode. His wings grew three times the size of his normal form. His horns grew longer and sharper. His tail became much larger with sharp spikes forming. All of his teeth became pointier, his tongue turned forked and navy blue scales formed on the side of his face, with bright red glowing eyes.

Zack let out a huge roar, killing the eardrums of the abductor. Zack felt a sharp pierce in his leg and felt his mind lose control. Daniel and Demonic appeared behind them just as the abductor teleported away. Zack caught Huro with his huge tail. He looked around quickly and felt very cramped. He needed to find a more open place to look after Huro. Zack teleported outside with Huro in his arms. He then spread his huge wings and flew off to somewhere more secluded.


Huro slowly woke up. He could hear a fire crackling in the background.

"Babe, he's waking up." He heard his dad call out. Huro's vision cleared and he saw his parents looking at him.

"Ugh... What happened?" Huro's voice sounded raw.

"You nearly got taken. Oh Huro, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have kept Zack away from you for so long..." Daniel began sobbing. Demonic immediately teleported to his side to comfort him.

"It's all our faults. It's okay, babe, we will get through this." Demonic calmed Daniel down.

"Wait. Where's Zack?!" Huro asked, sitting up quickly and regretting it instantly. His world swirled around him and he felt very dizzy.

"Bub, slow down! We figured out what they are using. You need to relax." Daniel grabbed him before he hit his head on the ground.

"Is Zack okay?" Huro questioned.

"We don't know. Demonic used his powers to search for you. Zack seemed so aggressive back there, we don't know what happened." Daniel explained.

"I need to find him! What if he's hurt or something was put in him too?" Huro sat up again and he forced himself to stand up.

"Huro! You were just paralysed and poisoned. We can't have you walking around! You're lucky that your papa knew how to remove that stuff by using magic." Daniel grabbed Huro's hand. "Please just wait, we will get him in the morning."

"I will get him in the morning. You guys can go home, I'll be fine and if you guys are there as well, it might make it worse." Huro told.

"Excuse me, you don't make the decisions here, young pup. We give the orders." Demonic said, standing up to look into Huro's eyes.

"I wasn't asking. I mean it. I will go alone." Huro gave a soft but firm growl. They glared at each other for a few more seconds.

"Fine. I trust you know what you are doing, but if you can't find him... Come home. He most likely was taken by his mother." Demonic growled.

"Taken by his mother? Why would she want him back?" Huro asked, wide-eyed.

"Because she can torture him into telling her where you are and how to get you." Demonic said.

"What?..." Huro looked at the floor.

"His mother has wanted revenge for years and Zack knew about it. Both Daniel and I knew that as well. He doesn't know where the others are though, he just knows that the longer he's with you, the more in danger you are." Demonic explained.

"He... knew? And didn't think to tell me? What the hell!" Huro shouted.

"Huro... It wasn't his fault, he couldn't tell you because he was scared of this happening. So he left. He left to keep you safe. Goddammit! How can you not see the signs?!" Daniel yelled frustratedly.

"The signs?" Huro was so confused.

"We would tell you but it's not our place." Demonic glared at Daniel. "You need to figure it out by yourself. Daniel just feels bad for Zack and is saying things that shouldn't be said."

"Shouldn't be said! It's like he will be oblivious forever. He needs to know before it's too late." Daniel returned the glare.

"Give us a moment, Huro." Demonic growled. Demonic teleported him and Daniel to somewhere near the forest, away from Huro.

Demonic walked up to Daniel, releasing a type of toxin that vampires have. It causes their prey to become weak and submit. Daniel's whole body became heavy and he nearly fell over. Demonic bared his fangs near Daniel's neck. Daniel moved his head to the side, submitting to his husband. Demonic stopped the toxin and caught Daniel as he fell over.

"I know this is stressful babe, but you need to remember that he's just a kid. We didn't find out until we were older." Demonic said.

"I'm sorry, I just can't take much more of this," Daniel said, crying into Demonic's shoulder.

"I know, I know. Shh, we will work this out together, but first I think we need to have a little rest back at home. Huro will get Zack and everything will be okay." Demonic pulled Daniel away and grabbed his chin for Daniel to look at Demonic. "Everything will be okay." He repeated as they touched foreheads. Demonic gently kissed Daniel on the lips.

"I promise."


Huro sat by the fire, hoping that Zack was safe. What was he missing? Was it the feeling that his dad told him about a few days ago? But he'd only really gotten close to Zack for a few days. Yeah, he had known of Zack since he was in 5th grade. But three days of really knowning someone is not enough to "fall in love". Or at least that's what he thought his dad meant. Huro turned his head to look outside the mountain cave Zack brought him to.

'What happened. All I remember was that I was lying in bed, then someone appeared in front of me. They spoke then I felt a sharp pain in my arm. It must've been the poison and paralysis stuff. I felt my body just go limp and I couldn't move. Then everything went black except for seeing Zack in full form. Holy shit- He was in full form!' Huro thought. Suddenly, his parents came back.

"We're back." Demonic said. Huro looked over at his papa to find Daniel in his arms.

"Geez, what happened to Dad?" Huro rolled his eyes.

"Well, he wasn't listening to me so I had to remind him who is in control. Believe me, you'll understand one day. Especially since you'll have Zack." Demonic said. Huro just blushed and glared at his Papa. "Don't look at me like that. I need to take your dad back to the castle so we can get some rest. Don't look for Zack until the morning. I will come back later to drop some stuff off for you." With that, Demonic teleported away.

"Fine." Huro sighed as he lay back down. "A little rest would be good."

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