Feeling - Chapter 4

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"Huro! I thought I told you not to reveal yourself to anyone," Demonic yelled. "You put everyone at risk. Daniel, Alex and Quin could all be in danger because of him finding out."

"Babe, just let him explain, he wouldn't have done this for no reason," Daniel said grabbing one of Demonic's hands in his.

"Fine. Explain now before I kill him," Demonic glared at Zack.

"You will not kill Zack. And it's my fault, not his. This afternoon, when I was about to teleport home, I transformed into my real form. I had no idea that Zack had followed me. He said I was looking suspicious, which I probably was," Huro explained.

"I told you to be careful," Demonic responded.

"I was but it seems I was too careful and people noticed me acting strange! But I took him to Grandad and Grandpapa. Grandpapa said that we shouldn't erase his memory of it-" Huro was cut off.

"You were gonna erase my memory of it?!" Zack exclaimed.

"Yes, it was going to be to protect the family, but Grandpapa said that you wouldn't tell anyone and that you and your friends would stop. Well mainly your friends, you haven't done anything to me really," Huro said.

"Huro, you're rambling," Daniel smiled.

"Sorry. I trust Grandpapa, Papa. He said that there are things I don't know or understand about him yet. I will never understand Grandpapa's riddles, but I am hoping Zack will help me," Huro looked at Zack. Zack's eyes widened and he looked away. Demonic growled.

"No, he will not," Demonic said.

"Honey. Leave them alone," Daniel said sternly. "They're just teenagers." Demonic sighed.

"Alright, fine. I'll allow him to know. But if he tells anyone, he will be dead in seconds. I don't care if he is the dragon prince," Demonic responded.

"Yes, Papa," Huro's eyes glistened slightly.

Huro grabbed Zack's hand and ran back to the door. Zack rolled his eyes but just let Huro drag him along. When they got to the front door, Huro let go of Zack's hand.

"That went so well! Both of us are still alive!" Huro said excitedly.

"Your Papa seems a little scary if I'm gonna be honest. Is he always that strict?" Zack asked.

"He's just protective. Of course, since Dad is a wolf, if a human killed him, Papa would declare war on the humans," Huro explained.

"Fair enough," Zack replied. "I best be heading off. I need to get back to my mother. See you later, Huro," Zack smiled. Huro's heart stopped for a second.

"Y-yeah! I'll see you later!" Huro said.

Zack opened and walked out the front door and teleported home. Huro closed the door behind him and turned around, putting his back on the door. He sighed and walked into the kitchen.

"So, you and Zack are now getting along?" Daniel said from behind Huro, scaring him.

"Ah!" Huro screamed. Daniel laughed.

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