Huro's Unplanned Reveal - Chapter 2

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Back to the Present

Huro chuckled to himself. How dumb of him to even think that Zack was remotely attractive or friendly in any way. Okay- Maybe he was attractive on the outside, but he was ugly on the inside. Huro got to English and saw that Zack was in the same class.

'Oh wolf, please no!' Huro kept repeating in his head. Luckily, Huro was put on the other side of the room. The class began working on poetry until the bell rang at 10 am, signalling the end of period one. Huro was asleep on his desk. The teacher went to Huro's desk to wake him up so that he wasn't too late for his next class. His teacher knew what he went through at school.

"Huro, you need to wake up, the bell has already rung. You'll be late to the second period if you don't hurry." Ms Adama said.

Huro woke up immediately and apologised to his teacher. He quickly hurried off to his class, scared he was going to get stopped by some of Zacks friends, who usually wag at this time. His luck ran thin, and his hair was pulled back by someone behind him.

"Look, it's the monster human. Late to your class, eh? Stayed up all night killing innocent species, I reckon." Erin said.

Huro did nothing as they called him names and punched him in the stomach a couple of times before slapping him across his cheek. He was so used to it, that it didn't have an effect anymore. Sure, it hurt, but he learnt not to show it.

When they let him go, Huro went to his next class with a bruised stomach and a handprint on his face. When he walked into the classroom, his angry science teacher stood there.

"Why are you late for my class? It's the first day back!" Mr Green yelled at Huro. Huro had held his head down to hide the big red handprint on his face. He quickly put his head up for the teacher to see before putting it back down. The teacher gestured for Huro to sit down with a sombre expression.


Huro went over to his usual spot, under a Tuckeroo tree, and put his headphones on. It was shady and in the corner of the school oval, so rarely no one ever came to the tree. Although, his two cousins, Quin and Ria, and his sister, Zila, visited and checked on him now and then.

"Hey, doofus." Ria came over and sat down beside him. Huro took his headphones off.

"Hi, Ria," Huro said.

"Something wrong?" Ria asked.

"It's only been 3 hours into grade 10, and I've already been picked on. You're so lucky you're a cat like Uncle Leon." Huro replied resting his head on his knees.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Ria hugged Huro. Huro leaned on Ria's shoulder.

"I am so glad that you are still in school. Without you, I probably would've just been skipping school all the time." Huro said with a laugh and Ria let go of Huro.

"If you ever do that, I will tell Uncle Demonic!" Ria threatened.

"You wouldn't dare." Huro glared at Ria.

"I so would!" Ria said.

"It's fine. I won't... Maybe," Huro stated.

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