Bond - Chapter 18

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Huro woke up feeling strangely cozy. It didn't take him long to realise that he was snuggled up in Zack's warm, sleepy embrace. They were both on their sides, with Huro's back against Zack's chest. Zack's arm lazily rested on Huro's waist.

Huro carefully moved Zack's hand and sat up. He blinked a couple of times, trying to adjust to the sun-filled room. Without looking to see whether Zack had woken up, Huro teleported his phone into his hands.

8:15... I should wake Zack up. Huro thought before his phone materialised back into his bag.

Huro turned around to see Zack already stirring.

"Everything okay?" Zack mumbled.

"We need to get up. It's 8:15 already."

"Huh? We have plenty of time." Zack's voice was still slurred with sleep. "Just relax for a bit."

Huro sighed and fell back against the covers next to Zack. When he turned his head to look at him, Zack was looking at Huro's wolf ears. "What?"

"Nothing. Just wondering what it would be like to have wolf ears."

"You're a humanoid dragon and yet you're wondering what it would be like to have these things?!" Huro turned the rest of his body so that it was facing Zack. "I would love to know how it feels to have wings. I'm so jealous that Zila has wings but I don't."

"Being a vampire-cross-wolf is pretty rare. I think you're perfect the way you are. But if it makes you feel better, I could take you for a flight in my dragon form someday?"

"Really? That would be awesome! I would love to see your dragon form." Huro's eyes lit up.

"Of course." Zack chuckled and gazed at Huro as if he were the most precious thing in the world. To Zack, Huro was the most precious thing in the world.

They ended up becoming lost in conversation. Huro found that it was easier to talk to Zack than he thought. He realised that he didn't need to change the way he acted or the things he enjoyed. He felt comfortable in Zack's presence.

When Huro got enthusiastic about something, Zack never judged him or reprimanded him. Just listened and joined in the conversation. It made Huro's heart ache in a way he thought it never could.


Demonic materialised in Huro's room. "Didn't Daniel say we were leaving at nine? So why are you still in bed at 8:30?"

Huro sat up and looked at his father. "Sh*t... We got completely distracted."

"I can see that." Demonic muttered. "Hurry up. I want to see you both in the throne room in five minutes."

With that, Demonic was gone from Huro's room. Huro sighed and turned to look at Zack, who had already teleported out of bed.

"I can't wait for today," Zack said sarcastically, breaking the silence.

"What?? You're not excited to save this child that my great-grandfather whipped up from our DNA and my family's power essence??" Huro replied. Even though he was being sarcastic as well, the reality of what he said made his brows furrow. "Gods, that's so weird to think about."

"Yeah, no kidding. You're not the only one who thinks it's stupid that Yuin chose us to be the "biological parents". Couldn't he have picked an older pair? How the hell are we supposed to look after a whole a** child at sixteen years of age?"

"Hey... We'll figure it out. Maybe we can get my dads or even my grandparents to look after them until we are ready. No one is expecting us to take full custody the moment we rescue them." Huro teleported off the bed and grabbed Zack's hands. "But right now, we just need to focus on today. We'll worry about everything else later. Okay?"

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