Father knows best.

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An update is what you asked for..

The consistent tapping of my heels combined with the chilled New York weather provided as another thing to think about rather then my aching back and the desire to sit down that carrying a baby brings.

We..well Lucas..decided that walking would be beneficial for the birth of the second baby, saying he read that it makes the birth easier so currently I'm making my way down the busy streets to his clinic which he transferred to only months ago

It's been 7 months since Lucas moved in with us, and let me tell you, it's been amazing. I often catch myself looking back to those times where I would think about what he's doing with his life, and wether he would ever find out he has a child

And now he's living with us, we're engaged, with two (almost) children. We've taken turns waking up Cleo, spent weekends together down at the park and even managed to redecorate the penthouse as I felt the old theme was outdated.

Riley and Farkle did move into the penthouse below, and she's just as far along as I am. Since Lucas insisted I walk everywhere, Farkle thought it would be good for Riley to do the same. Much to her despair.

Nether less, she has made her way to the office on foot alongside me. It was quite nice actually, talking and gossiping on the way, sharing news and updating each other on what happened with the baby or the fiancé last night.

It sort of became a routine. 

While in the hospital many weeks ago to reveal the gender of our babies, Lucas and I saw a shadow fall to the floor from inside Riley and Farkles room. Moments later, a very faint Farkle and a nurse with some magazines to fan him with stumbled out of the room to the seats beside us

"Twins" was all Farkle said breathlessly before earning a chuckle from Lucas and I. A boy and a girl, it's gonna be a handful for sure, but I have no doubt Riley can't wait. She's already thought of names, she wants them to match like Kris Jenner did with her children, but in this case their initials need to be either RM or MM

They decided on Rowan for the girl and Rory for the boy.

Rory and Rowan Minkus.

They decided on Rowan specifically so that she could be called 'Row-Boat' for short. And Riley loves it.

I made my way up the 3 steps to the clinic doors, grasping the cold frosted rail to aid my walking. Opening up the doors, I quickly let the heat engulf me. "Mr Friars just in surgery, it should be done in..maybe like 15 minutes?" The sweet receptionist peered over the computer screen. She was about 17 and it was her first job, always super polite.

I smiled kindly, "Thanks Nina I'll just go wait" I reply with a small nod to his office "sure" she returned the smile before I made my way past. I opened the door to the neat - yet doctors looking - office, and collapsed into the chair tiredly

My eyes skimmed over his desk, some forms and printed papers, nothing overly exciting. I pulled out my large binder from my handbag, that I'm sure without would've made my walk over a lot easier. I glanced over the personalised book

Wedding Plan for soon to be Mr & Mrs Friar

I smiled yet again, lifting and sifting through the heavy pages. Lucas and I started planning the wedding maybe 5 months ago, and it's been a lot of work. We decided on a vineyard wedding, rustic, yet gorgeous. We want floral and white decorations, but nothing tacky.

Resin signs with our names and seating charts will be displayed written in white marker, and there will be lights hanging from the ceiling creating a magical effect

It'll be perfect.

I still had to find a dress, but that of course being delayed to my continuously growing tummy. We decided to have to wedding after the pregnancy for many reasons..they include: 1) so that I can drink, and 2) so that I don't look huge in all the photos

"Hey" his simple voice drew me away from my thoughts, as Lucas entered the room and kissed my forehead "hi" I replied in the same simple tone "how was your walk over?" He started, "and how's my little boy?" He added with a smirk

Yep, you heard him. A boy. Everybody, meet soon to be Cory Friar. And before you question it, No, Cory and Rory wasn't on purpose. But we think it's funny anyway.

"It was okay" I shrugged, "my back gets pretty sore though..especially when im lugging this thing around" I giggle, closing the heavy binder I was referring to. He matched my laugh, "well maybe don't carry it around with you..wait till you get home before you go bride mode" he replied.

"I simply cant! This and the baby is all I think about! I'm literally worried I will become behind at work if I don't stop looking for bouquet inspiration or replying to venues" I protest, moving from the comfy chair and rising to my feet with the help of his hands pulling me up.

"Well then let's go home..I'm done now and then when we get there you can have a night of thinking about you and only you" he smirked as he put on his coat before packing up the last of his bits

My heart leapt at the thought..a nice warm bubble bath, a movie on, a hair mask soaking through my long hair. The only thing that would complete that night would be a glass of smooth white wine in my hand.

"Maya?" He questioned while looking at me funny. I shook my head "huh? What did you say" I reply as I follow him out the office doors "I said that I told Neilson he didn't have to get Cleo now, and that we will go pick her up" he repeated with a chuckle

I nodded "ohh okay, that sounds good" I reply as we make it too his car "I wish you would drive to my work instead of me walk to yours" I huff as I sat in the leather seats. We had to upgrade his motorcycle to a car once he moved, but I made sure to buy my love the best one on the market.

"I know baby..but then that isn't benefiting that baby" he pointed to my tummy as he started the engine before reversing and making his way down the street. "Stuff it" I mumble quietly, facing my attention to the window as we passed familiar buildings until we made it to Cleo's school

The teacher stood outside with students as cars pulled up to the drop off zone to collect their kids, I watched as Cleo's face lit up as she saw his deep blue Tesla pull up beside her, the door soon opens followed by a backpack being thrown in and then a small blonde girl

"Hi mummy! Hi daddy!" She burst, climbing into her seat as I watched her do the buckles up "how was school baby" I turn slightly to talk "it was good! We painted and we learned some fractions and we also did some dance and then at playtime I got to see Sophie and honey" she rambled as she listed her busy day

"That sounds a lot more fun then my day" Lucas chucked from beside me "mummy, how many more days until baby?" She tilted her head slightly "maybe like 6 weeks.." I trailed off as I though unsure

"Yay!" She beamed "I'm so so so excited!" She added.

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