Who's moving?

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"Do you want to knock?" Lucas smiled as he picked Cleo up, holding her close to the door. She knocked as loud as she could, the door soon opening "Lucas my boy! Zay! And who's this little bean" he smiled brightly, welcoming them inside

"I'm Cleo Friar!" The little girl beamed as lucas let her back down on the floor "ah the little girl! It's so good to finally meet my boys little girl" he sat down on the couch beside her

"That's my daddy! And that's uncle Zay" she informed him. Lucas smiled, sitting across from them beside Zay "baby this is my grandfather" lucas informed her

"Daddy said I can see the horsies! I love horsies!" She looked up to pappy joe "well sure! Let's take you to go and see them!" He stood back up, taking her hand and leading them out the back of the ranch

"So how's things with Maya?" Zay questioned. Lucas smiled at the thought of her "they're good..we aren't together..I think she's too scared that something will go wrong and it'll upset Cleo..I mean us living in separate places isn't really working too well" Lucas stated

"Who do you think will move first?" Zay replied. Lucas sighed, "I love it here..Cleo seems to like it too but I don't know..I think it'll be me who moves..there's more for her to loose over there" he replied

"Well I was talking to Riarkle the other day..apparently they're looking to move in together but they aren't sure where they want to buy. There's Florida, California, New York and Texas..if you guys stay here then I'm sure they'd move here too..but with Maya in New York I'm sure Riley will want to move there..which means there will be even less of a chance of Maya moving here" Zay informed him

"I don't have a problem with moving back to New York..I loved it there..I guess that would just leave you and Isadora here though" Lucas stated. Zay smirked, "oh god don't tell Isadora that all four of you will be in New York. She'll sell the house without even telling me" he chuckled

"Daddy look!" Cleo shouted from across the field where she sat on a horse with pappy joe. Lucas smiled, "wow baby!" He called, holding out his phone to take a picture of her. He looked down to it, sending it over to Maya to see

"She's really adorable" Zay watched her "well I'm sure Isadora's due to want a baby soon.." Lucas chuckled, walking with Zay so that they were closer to Cleo and Pappy joe "I have no doubt she will" he replied

Cleo came off of the horse, running over and jumping into Lucas' arms "did you see me! I was on the big white horsie!" She beamed and giggled in his arms "I did baby. You looked so beautiful like a princess on her pony" he replied, adjusting her onto his hip

"Well boy. She's definitely a perfect little thing" Pappy joe smiled to him. "She is, isn't she.." he replied "daddy I go see the sheep now?" She pointed toward another set of animals.

Maya and Isadora drifted through different stores. She was currently in Chanel deciding if she liked the plaid mini skirt enough to buy it "I think it's cute" Isadora tilted her head slightly "yes but I already have it in white..do I need it in pink..especially if I won't fit it by next month" she sighed

"I think so. Get it and show him tonight then tell him your giving it to me because it won't fit you and let him figure it out" she smirked. Maya bit down on her lip "that's actually pretty funny..okay let's do it" she giggled, unzipping the skirt to change

They went to a few different places before taking the bags back to the car, driving to a fancy restaurant for lunch "so do you reckon with two kids you'll move here? Or he will move to you?" isadora asked as she sipped her wine while maya settled with Diet Coke

"We haven't talked about moving..it would be so cool to have them grow up here but the office is in New York..Lucas has clinics across the states whereas we have the one building so it'll be harder for me..but I can make it work for the sake of a family" maya replied

"What are Riley and Farkle up to? where are they living?" She questioned. "Oh well Riley works for me now..she quit her old job..and then she took leave" maya laughed "I think they're in California since they already went to Florida" she added

"That sounds like classic Riley" Isadora smirked "I don't blame her. She has the opportunity to do it, I would too" maya shrugged "I wonder where they will settle" Isadora sipped  her drink.

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