Chill out mama

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Riley and I sat comfortably on sun beds by the pool as Lucas and Farkle played with Cleo in the water. I sipped on my pink cosmopolitan cocktail, twirling the straw around as she sat beside me drinking her Mojito

"'s she liking having him around..?" She asked after a few minutes. I shrugged, "I mean she seems to be loving it..she's wanting to show him everything and be all over him.." I reply

"And how are you liking having him around?" She questioned. "I..I spent so long trying to tell myself I didn't have any feelings for him, and for a long time I didn't, but seeing him at the wedding, having all these feelings that we never talked about..they're just coming back, but in a good way, as if we've both matured and both more open to it..I'm just unsure of doing anything yet, I mean what if we get together and then it doesn't work out..Cleo will be devastated" I sigh

"Well then that just means you have to try harder to make sure nothing does go have a child together, it's not just boyfriend and girlfriend, it's a family. You said it yourself, you never wanted her to grow up the same way you did, yes you have money now and your mom might not have, but money isn't the same as a father" Riley replied

I nodded "I guess..I just..maybe I'm scared, maybe I'm the one that's scared it won't work out for my sake..I can't loose him again, Riley. No money can buy love either" I state, looking over to her

She laughed softly, "Maya I don't think there's anything in this world that will stop him from being near you now that you have this child..I mean look at him, he adores her..she's been giggling for like 10 minutes straight" she looked over to the water. I sat up in the bed more, my gaze on him

He stood in the deep end with Farkle not too far away, throwing Cleo between the two of them as if she was a ball "Uh Lucas! She's not a ball!" I snap "Hey, she's enjoying it" he shrugged nonchalantly

Cleo nodded "Chill out mama" she giggled as Lucas threw her back to Farkle. "Yea! Chill out mama" Lucas smirked over to me as he caught her again. I rolled my eyes, sitting back against the chair

"And you look like such a perfect guys are already fucking like bunnies every other night" she smirked "I wouldn't be surprised if you end up with a Cleo 2.0 soon" she added

I hit her playfully, "Don't jinx it! I can't be a single mom with two kids! One is hard enough" I laugh "oh please, you're barely single. Would you go out tonight if a man came up to you and asked you on a date right now?" She questioned

"No! Are you kidding of course not!" I reply "exactly, and Lucas wouldn't either, you're both into each other you just won't admit it" she sassed "I hope you aren't talking about us, me into maya? Never" Lucas' familiar voice spoke from in front of me

"Exactly, Riley just said that if a girl came up to you and asked you on a date then you'd say no" I explain, hiding the sinking feeling in my stomach "I would say no. Unless you're the girl" he smirked

"See! I told you!" She laughed, clapping her hands "But..but you just said..." I trail off confused "he was just joking maya..of course he's into you.." Riley muttered under her breath

I made an 'ohhh' shape with my mouth, my eyes returning up to a dripping Lucas who stood in front of me, the water trickling down his tan body sexily "yes?" I smile prettily

"I thought you might wanna come for a swim" he shrugged "Oh no I can't because then I'd have to wash my hair tonight and I can't be bothered" I smile again. His gaze moved from me to Riley, then back to me

He smirked, his hands swiftly finding their way around my body so that he was carrying me bridal style. I giggled, "Lucas you better not! You better fucking not!" I snap between laughs

He looked down to me, "you were looking pretty hot, thought I might help cook you down" he shrugged innocently "you're the worst at pickup lines" I mutter still in his arms

He jolted forward a little bit, turning to see Riley had attempted to push us both in, him being as strong as a horse not moving "oh shit" she mumbled. Lucas put me down on the floor, his arm still around my waist as he grabbed Riley's arm before she could escape, pulling her into his chest like I was and shoving us both into the water

I gasped as the cold water rushed over us, rising to the surface with a glare on my face, it instantly falling off once I saw the wide smile on his face "Go daddy!" Cleo cheered from behind me as she giggled

"Cleo baby you're supposed to be on my side!" I look back to her. She shook her head "noo.." she laughed, "I love my daddy" she added

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