you're pregnant ?

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1:00pm - a week later

- Maya

Cleo and i were in my apartment gym playing around with the equipment when the doorbell rang "i'll be right back peach" i say before getting up and leaving her alone. i make my way to the door and open it to reveal Riley and Farkle standing at the door "Guys!" i say happily engulfing them in a group hug "peaches it's so good to see you! where's mini peach" Riley says walking past me

"shit maya this apartment is something else" farkle says walking in making me laugh "Cleo baby come here" i call then bear her footsteps run towards us "baby this is aunty Riley and uncle Farkle" i said gesturing toward them "Hi i'm Cleo" she said shyly "oh my goodness come here" Riley said excitedly opening her arms for a hug which cleo jumped for

"mommy said if i'm good you'll buy me ice cream" Cleo said turning to farkle, he laughed and picked her up placing her on his shoulders causing cleo to burst into laughter "are you kidding we're having ice cream every day" he says bouncing her up and down

"so peaches when do you fly out" Riley asked as we sat in the kitchen, farkle coming in with Cleo behind us. "i leave in 3 hours" i started "how have you been" i finish "me and farkle have just been staying around Florida enjoying each other's company" she smiled to him "so it's official? your dating" i ask hopefully "yea he asked me to go out with him last week. i'm so happy peaches" she said happily

after catching up with Riley and Farkle for a few hours i packed my bags into the car and said my goodbyes to them all "have fun bubba i'll see you in a few days. be good. love you" i say to Cleo kissing her head "bye mommy have fun with daddy" she said happily. "see you soon guys" i say to Riley and Farkle giving them both a hug and a kiss on the cheek before closing the door and making my way down the hallway

the car ride to the airport was fairly easy there was no traffic for once. the personal driver took me to a private part of the airport and drove up to the jets stairs where Neilson and the Puppy were waiting for me. the security pack my bags into the plane for me as i talk to Neilson "i'm so proud of you Mimi" he said handing me the puppy and giving me a goodbye kiss "see you in a few days" i smile and go up the steps to the plane.

the small puppy was so playful, he sure kept me distracted for the flight. i stayed in the same hotel as before, when we landed and got there it was 10:30 so i decided to go to Lucas's the day after. for now however,
it was time to sleep.

10:30 am


Today's the big day. i get up and change into my outfit. i'm wearing a small lace bralette with white dress pants and a black blazer. i wore my hair straight and did my everyday makeup. i picked up the box and put it into my hand bag and grabbed the small puppy before leaving the hotel room. a cab i called was already outside waiting for me to come down. once inside the drive felt like it took forever. my palms were sweaty and i felt like i could throw up at any second. "we're here miss" the driver says grabbing my attention, looking out the window i see the house i lover with the big white walls and huge glass windows. i thanked the driver and made my way up the path toward the front door. what if he's not home ?

despite my nerves i find myself knocking on the door and soon enough it fly's open to reveal that same handsome face i know and love. there was a silence, what i assume was him processing me showing up on his doorstep a month later. "i thought i could help my favourite vet name his new puppy" i smiled gesturing to the tiny dog by my feet "no fucking way Maya you know how much i wanted one of those" he said happily, welcoming me in and closing the door behind me.

once the door was closed i let go of the dog and placed my bag on the ground before jumping into his arms and burying my head into his neck. his strong arms snaked around me pulling me tight "i didn't think you would come back" he said barely above a whisper "well here i am" i laugh pulling away from him

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