Miss Millionaire

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11:30 am

- Maya

fuck. what the fuck. i peel myself off the cold marble flooring of the bathroom floor and look at myself in the mirror. makeup? on. ball dress? on. hangover? on.

pulling the heavy dress off i get straight in the hot shower for 10 minutes before switching it to cold. my secret hangover cure and soon enough i was dressed in my airport attire and called the personal driver to take me there

i arrived and got checked in my 12:30, the plane was boarding now so i handed in my boarding pass and watched as the women scanned it and the light went green

"have a good flight Miss Hunter" she smiled before handing me back my passport. i smiled back and headed toward my first class seat "here's your pre flight drink" a flight attended said as she handed me a champagne flute. the sight of that bubbly liquid made me want to throw up, i took it anyway and smiled before leaving the glass full in the cup holder

4 hours later i landed in Austin Texas. man this place has memories. i was reminded of the campfire between me and lucas in Texas, the night of our first kiss more then 10 years ago.

walking through security seemed easy enough, i found my way to the hire a car and hired the most expensive one i could find, why it treat myself for a week? the man showed me to the car, the newly painted Aston Martin. hopping inside i drove to the hotel about 10 minutes away from Zays house and the wedding venue.

i check in and get to my room to see my bags already in the room, i unzip it and pull out the clothes i want to hang up in the wardrobe and keep straight. the tight red dress i plan on wearing tomorrow sways in the breeze of the open balcony doors giving a wide city view which i fell in love with again. it's now about 6pm and the sun was setting i decided to take a trip to the place that's been on my mind for hours.

parking down the road i walk past the all to familiar empty house and through to the bushes behind it and soon enough i'm standing where i was 11 years ago, the old campfire. i sat on the logs arranged the exact same way they were back then and admired the setting sun.

the memories of Lucas came back to me, that one night, the worst night but the best night of my life. the day i lost you and the day i fell pregnant with my beautiful baby girl. a tear slides down my face at the thought of seeing him again. how happy i'd be, how scared i'd be. i quickly wipe it away and put my brave face on again. i know i can get through it right?

a car pulls into the driveway and the lights of the house flick on, i use that as my queue to leave and slyly make my way back to my car without lucas' grandparents seeing me. the rest of the night consisted of room service and netflix, falling asleep at 9:30 tired as fuck just hoping the day coming goes as i plan.

10:30 am

awaking from my blissful slumber was so much harder then normal. something about hotel beds just makes me so sleepy. today's plan was to go, be nice, small talk, leave early. i figured if he has friends and family there then i won't be as needed to be there right ? i just don't want to be asked about my life anymore then i already do. can you blame me?

after my breakfast and shower i did my makeup and hair. i did a flawless smokey eye with gold glitter, my hair dead straight and my olive tanned skin went perfectly with my tight red dress.

i finished getting ready then took a look at myself in the mirror. fucking gorgeous maya wow. i'm proud of myself. i grab my bag and signature chanel perfume to re-spray when i get there.

hopping into the car i drive to the location zay sent me a few days ago, pulling up i see a few cars dotted around the street probably all at his house. i took a deep breath and sprayed the perfume, reapplied my lip gloss and made sure my hair didn't move. once i was ready i walked up the short pathway to the door and began knocking.

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