Flower Princess

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The next morning I woke up to Lucas not being home. I frowned, usually we would be tangled in the sheets together. I climbed out of the bed, heading down to cleos bedroom. I opened the door, attaching myself to the side if the large bed with the small girl in the middle

"Cleo baby..it's morning.." I whispered gently, stroking her hair with my long acrylic nails "good morning mommy" she mumbled, moving her head so that she was on my lap. I smiled softly, scooping her up from the bed and carrying her through to the living room

"Breakfast will be here soon..Watch a movie until then.." I bury her in blankets to block out the morning chill. She nods, watching a barbie movie as I order Uber eats to her delivered. I hate making food.

After about 15 minutes, the food I had ordered soon arrived. I didn't know what I wanted, or if Lucas was even going to come back so I ordered a variety of
Waffles and pancakes, bacon and fruit for whatever we felt like

"Cleo baby! Breakfast!" I call, listening as her small feet patter along the ground "Mommy! Daddy said we're gonna go out for a picnic today!" She beamed, biting into a piece of banana "wow princess..are you excited?" I question, picking up a strip of bacon

"Yes! I'm gonna wear my pretty flower dress to show daddy that I look like a princess" she explained "that's if he comes home" I mutter playfully under my breath so she can't hear me

The front door soon clicks, a sweaty, panting Lucas coming through the door "ah here he is" I say louder, my gaze on him. He's so sexy. "Sorry baby I went for a run" his breathing returned to normal, coming over to kiss me

"you even look good when you're all hot and sweaty" i smirk, he's wearing one of those dark grey sporty tank tops, his muscles bulging at his arms. "I can make you hot and sweaty?" He suggested

I rolled my eyes, "morning princess..how'd you sleep" he moved past me, kissing cleos head "I slept good daddy!" She smiled brightly "I'm gonna go shower..enjoy your very well made breakfast..you should cook for us one night" sarcasm dropped from his words

"Yea yea, have a good shower cowboy" I wave, returning my attention to Cleo in front of me. She soon finished eating, allowing me to help her get dressed into the pink floral dress she was talking

I braided her long blonde hair, "I show daddy now!"
She jumped up as I tied the last hair tie. She ran out of the room earning a small laugh from me, following behind her "this room baby" I open
The door to see lucas standing with a towel around his waist

"Daddy look!" She twirled in her pretty dress "you look so beautiful baby! Like a flower princess" he lowered down to her level as she jumped into his arms "mommy did my hair like this!" She continued

"Well I love it! Do you like it?" He questioned "yes! I like my barbie" she explained. Lucas nodded, letting her down on the bed "you are like a little barbie" he agreed "mommy can I go play?" Her attention span switched, sliding off of the bed

"Of course baby. Don't ruin your hair" I step aside so that she can leave the room. Lucas went back to his wardrobe, picking out his clothes for the day "you're staring" he chuckled, his hands landing on my waist

"How can I not?" I bit down on my lip. He leant down to kiss me, our lips melting together for a few moments. I felt myself being sucked into a trance so I pulled away, my hands on his broad chest "mm no! I have to get ready" I smirk, leaving him in the wardrobe.

I shower and get ready for the day, deciding on wearing one of my new Chanel skirts and the matching top. I slid on my white jimmy Choo's and did my hair and makeup before meeting Lucas and Cleo who sat together in the living room

"Mommy! Daddy let me pick everything we're gonna bring on our picnic!" She beamed once she saw me "did you? That's exciting!" I look down to her "ready to go?" Lucas stood up

I nodded, collecting our stuff before making our way outside. We made small talk in the car, I replied to a few emails as well as messaging Neilson about work things while he drove to the park

We lay out the blanket, sitting on the lush grass with Cleo in between is "I got a wedding invitation the other day..remember Josh? Riley's uncle?" I glance
Over to him as Cleo plays on her iPad

He nodded "are you gonna go?" He questioned. I shrugged, "I'm not sure..Riley will probably want me to go..I don't really care too much..I'll have to her Neilson to babysit this one" I smile at her despite her not paying attention to me

"I'll come up? I'll look after her" he suggested. I screwed my face up "If you're coming all the way up
To New York to watch her for a night then you're coming to the wedding. I don't wanna go alone" I laugh

"I don't like him" he stared blankly "neither do I. So we will just get drunk and pretend we aren't there" I shrug simply "yea..except you can't drink anymore" he smirked

I gasped, I had forgotten about the baby "ow! Look what you did now I can't even drink at this wedding. You're definitely gonna come now" I shake my head with a laugh "well I'm sorry for extending our family at an inconvenient time" he smirked

"Oh and..speaking of weddings.." he added..

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